Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sweet 18 years old Birthday

Happy Birthday to Myself! ^^ Late post because late celebration. Actually I don't feels like writing this post at first, but since that stupid Apple snake want me to write this so much, aiya..then..I wei yau min wei kei nan write for you la, satisfied? ;P

Well, back to my big day, seriously, I don't feels any joy throughout the whole day on 12 Sept, don't feels like that day was my birthday. Arhh..ya, the only joy I got on that day was from my lovely classmates and my mom. My 6RF classmates, opps.. you all do surprised me a lot, thanks for the celebration, never thought of you all will celebrate for me, as what I said, we seem not that close these days, from the beginning of the semester or even until now, but I strongly believe that this situation will change, all of us will become best friends soon :DD Hahaha..actually who so dare to ask the permission from the teacher to give you all 15 minutes to celebrate it? wow~ and lastly teacher gave us almost 30 minutes I think? Hahaha.. nice experience everrr 

first time celebrate birthday in class, feels good :D

Thanks for the cake, the birthday song and also the surprise! Love you all! ^^
Special highlight to Jeffrey, thanks for your singing minion too! :D my dearest primary school classmate, it's so glad to be your classmate again after 5 years separation :D


And I want to thanks to the planner of the event actually, but I don't really know this was who's idea, I think ZhiYin maybe?
And also thanks to Vinnie for buying that cake :D
And all other classmates, couldn't mention all your name here, hahaha..but you know what I mean one! ^^

And also my mom for the angpau, hehehe..lovely mom~ 


Celebrate Phoebe and my birthday together again this year~ :D
They planned to go kinta river front at first actually, but too bad that it was raining so we change to OIC Cafe, it's okayy actually, the feels there not bad too. As we're along, go where also feeling loved one, I will always be back myself when gather with you girls, do love 7 of you seriously :D

Angely, your spirit always here! you're still my best best friend! no worry! my dear, I miss you badlyyyyy!

We having dinner together as celebration and for sure got the lovely birthday song and cake for me and also Phoebe~

Mok Leng? Hahahaha

Making wish with her together, I'm 4 days bigger than her D:
SokLeng, Happy Birthday to you also arhhh, actually I don't mind to celebrate birthday with you, hahahaha...wish we can celebrate birthday together every year after this :DD share the same cake, same birthday song and also same joy :DD 

my birthday present from them~

This is sooooooo lovely seriously! ♥ So many wishes and our memory inside the book, so touchinggg! Special thanks for ShuQi and also SokLeng for making this, they go find my classmates, their classmates and also the fourbig to write something on this for me. Ouchhh.. why I never realize you all had done so much? I really don't know a thing before this leh ~.~ Stop saying me chi dun pleaseeeeee /___\

Of cause surely must thanks to Apple snake also la, always plan the event very well ;P hahahahaha...
Thanks to those who got wished me from 6RH1 and 2 for the cooperation :D I do know all of you also larh! 
Thanks to all my 6RF classmates! I counted! All also got signed and wished me! ^^ And now I knew the secret that you all said on that day! haha..
Thanks fourbig, LOL! I should only thanks MunHim only seriously, only he did something, another 3 don't know a thing I guess =.= btw, four of you appear in that book ~.~''
And..of cause all my besties, for the celebration, for the surprise and also the present!

Do appreciate what you all had done for me, love ya! 

took a lot of photo with this sorpor ytd night, lazy upload much, love you!

say cheese~~ ^^ birthday really end here this time, wow~ I'm officially 18 years old now! Don't say me dao gei anymoreee! Hahaha