Thursday, May 30, 2013

Kampar 4D3N

First day 26-5-2013
Follow Apple and Bowie back to Kampar on previous sunday, reached there around 8pm then we straight go to eat?! =.= Sweet Hug House *the shop name. Just for dessert.

my dinner that day TT's a bit looks like haagen-daz that dessert =.= but the price compare to it is extremely cheap! :D only cost RM29.90 if not mistaken /.\ taste not bad too
Nothing much to write about first day, after dessert we went back to  hostel keng gei, chit chat from 9pm until 2am, I wonder how can we got so much topic to talk =.=

Second day 27-5-2013
I woke up early on the first day and follow them to their maths lecture class for two hours, quite interesting day, hahahaha.. as I never go in college lecture class before, felt so much excited to attend their class and no one realize that I'm not their student(tarcian), everyone were busying to listen and jot down what the lecturer teaching and I was playing my phone for that 2 hours xD

excited!! X)))

After class then we go back to hostel again, rest =.=
Then we went to Mcdonald had our brunch, first time I ate Happy Meal =.= kid's meal, cause I saw Apple take this meal, since I never order this before so I followed her :DD Not worth actually, too small =3=
but we get the Hello Kitty toy, hahahaha..gave mine to Apple as I don't know what to do with that toy, I like Doraemon only, Hello Kitty? Errr.....
Then HoganYew joined us but he didn't order anything =.= what for he come? 

get this photo from his insta

He requested to take photo with us before we dismiss, this photo make someone not very syok, hahahahahhahaha..non of my business also :P
After our brunch, three of us (Apple and Bowie only, Hogan Yew back to his class already) syok syok dei then went to K box sing k, lalalala~ 
We separated for a long time still like last time gam, so random, want do what jau do what, want sing k jau sing k =.= such a happy time on that day :DDD



blur blur~
After that back hostel again -__- rest again, Apple slept, such a lazy pig =.=
Then we went for dinner! yea! eat again! I go there just for eat and sleep only /__\
Met our ex-senior there, puiyoke, she 半工读 at kampar, lihai o.O

Third day 28-5-2013
It's a boring day anyway, I didn't meet anyone there and didn't have any nice activity there /___\
no good no good =3=
I slept for whole day in hostel that day, only go out for my lunch and dinner with Apple ><
The only thing that make me felt happy is I had loklok as my supper!! muahahahaha
Three of us go down to eat supper on 1am something X) I ask them to eat loklok with me since the first day I reached there and finally I got the chance to try it out!

ong choy ong choy

We just ate a bit actually, scare fat ya :333

evening view on that day that I took it from hostel

Last day 29-5-2013
Last day here, met Kah Mun in the early morning, she study at Utar and no class for today. We go for brunch together after Apple and Bowie finished their class. Then A&B went back to their class again, Kah Mun and I go search for the printing shop as she want to print out something. Found the shop finally then we went back to hostel rest again =.= I slept for 10minutes only then receive HoganYew's call, I asked him to yumcha since he said he so pity there and no one accompany him to eat =.=
Then we go to Taiphon 台风来了 high tea.

A&B join us after their class finish again =.= they just come for awhile then it's time for us to prepare to go to pasar malam already.

Apple let me to drive his bf's car for awhile that day, but I change back to passenger seat within 10 meters, nope, it's should be 5 meters only =.= reason jau skip it la har ;DD
Then we go to pasar malam, people say that this pasar malam had been cursed so every time also raining one, LOL! It's just so true, it's start to rain after we walk for 10 minutes =.= We simply buy something and walk back to hostel eat. I saw a super big rainbow there before rain, it's pretty nice :D 
On the way we back, many buffalo walk out from somewhere to the field, juts passed by us, they are so huge, Bowie and I kept on taking photo but too bad that it's too dark and we didn't get a nice photo also :(

I scare they bite me so not dare to get too close with them :X

Apple's bf fetch me back to Ipoh on around 9.30pm. Bowie and I go down to eat the ong choy again before I back, both of us also ate two bunches of it, so satisfied X)))

Really had a nice trip there on these few days.

Apple's shirt
Thanks both of them taking care me on these few days, thanks a lot for everything :))
True friendship isn't unseparated but it's separated and nothing changed, yea, it's talking about us! :DD

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Form 6

两天前,我正式踏入中六的生涯。第一个星期是orientation week, 说真的,虽然已经过了两天但我还是完全接受不到我真的要去form 6了 :(
如果可以选,我真的不想去中六,直接进foundation, 如果...
不过,算了,事实就是事实,再怎样不喜欢也要接受。之前有听过一句话:如果不喜欢某件事,就尝试改变它,如果改变不了就尝试改变自己的想法好了 :)
不喜欢我的新学校,canteen竟然会比以前那间中学更烂,最令我接受不到的是它的厕所是肮脏到~~~~~~第一天去了一次后就不敢再进去了,水也不敢喝多 =.=
申请了转校,因为新学校我根本没有transport去,巴士到不到那边,校巴也没有去那边,顶 =.=
现在也是每天勉强叫朋友载,但长期下去也不是办法。(自己有车牌又不会驾 =.=)
我们学校只有四个人上中六,好悲的感觉 TT
一个转去art class, 其余两个拿biology, 只有我一个拿physics, 孤军作战 TT 
没办法,我真的不喜欢bio咯,phy始终是我的first choice ;))
补习今天也去找了,好像过回form 5的生活,简直一模一样,哈哈哈
从始以后又要回到school life了,恭喜我 =.=
下个星期一开始上课,希望我可以快点适应回学校的生活,catch up all the things well.
中六生活加油吧!没事能难倒我们的! ;)))))