Saturday, January 28, 2012


New Year New Life
First day of 2012
I make a BIGG BIGGG decision 
hmm..what is it? Don't feel like want to tell. Haha
But it may change my life 
just change back to my original life 
I have no regret with this 
And now? I'm very free and I can do whatever I like 
no need to care too much any more~ 
Yes, I love my life now, RELAX~  :)

Okay, next,
this year I'm Form 5 student.

Gonna face SPM. OMFG! I'm veryyy stress although school haven't reopen ><
school haven't reopen but my tuition class start already -.-
Add Maths, Biology,Chemistry, Physics 
4 science subjects enough.. don't want tuition too much, waste my mom money :P
I will try my best and score this year. 
Hmm.. 10A+? No la, 8 for me enough lorh.. very hard la I know xD
Karyau la  :))

school reopen.
Everyday tuition, sport practice and co curricular. zZ
This year really very very busy. 
Red Crescent Society: President (Hoho xD )
Bowling Club: President (actually I don't know play bowling =.= cincai la xD )
PSS: Vice Treasurer (phew~nothing do de xD Hoho )
Kay, actually not much thing to do too,
after sports day I will be very free again :DD
focus on my academic more important X)

Next, Happy Chinese New Year :D

today is 28/1/2012 
just finish CNY =.=
all relatives go back to their own place already 
everything had go back to normal
no more gamble -.-
gamble really make me mad 
how come I'm so bad luck? >< shit.
Don't know I had lose how many money $$
And my dailou is really good luck 
won RM200++ OMG..give me some luck larh xD

yesterday I bought my Nike water bottle

my mom don't believe that it cost RM50
and ask me give her see the receipt =.=
then I show her, it shocked her xD
arhaha..I know I had bought many water bottle 
Never mind la, I promised you after this three years I don't buy lo :P

Okay, CNY end soon,
two more days I need to go back my school life again. zZ
one more week Doraemon Fair at Genting will end too T^T

Next week I wish I could go to Genting 
I don't want this trip postpone to March's holiday ><
I want go my dream Doraemon Fair X)
May my dream can come true :DD

Ya, I had delete my old blog.
Because New Year New Life ma :D
so I open new blog too :)

wish all of you who viewing my blog

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