Friday, April 26, 2013


I'm thinking for a long time that should I write this post or not...
Finally I wrote, Haha
I has a lot of friends, really, seriously, but most of them is just hi-bye friends, we knew each other but seldom talk or..hmm..never talk?
What I want to write in this post is not about those hi-bye friends.
I'm going to write something to my secondary school's 'best friend'? Hmm..don't know, cause I'm not very sure what am I in the gang, feels that they're all in their own small gang that I'm really the excluded one --
Before SPM start, we said all of us must write a letter to everyone as a commemorate, but at last everyone is busy for their SPM, study, study and study. No one remember it maybe? I remembered, always, but no time to write it, sorry..hahaha
So..I'm going to write this letter as a post in my blogger ;)


To Angely Wong See Yan,

She is my best friend among all my friends. We know each other for about 10 years, it's such a long time, we did many things together, we ever study together, laugh together, sleep together, travel together, cut hair together, tuition together... no one will know what we had gone through.
To be honest, when we were standard six, we're not best friend, just normal friend. After we go in secondary school only we become best friend, and now she's my 5 years best friend :D
Sometimes we may argue because of some small stuffs, we had argued for uncountable times, but yet it may not affect our friendship.
We talked about future, like we planned go into the same school or same college after Form 5, go gap zai together, kau zai together..Hahaha..But now all of this I may do it myself since she got boyfriend already --
You're the only one I willing to share all my secrets to you, hmm..last time maybe? but don't know since when, I feels like our friendship is getting strange, I start to hide things from you as you never ask me about all these, or maybe we seldom chat already?
Eeee...but what I want to tell you is go ahead with what you wanna do, maybe we'll not in the same school or college in future, we'll know many other new friends, I just wish that our friendship can stay strong, I want to become your bridesmaid when you marry :D I don't care whether people say the one who elder than you cannot be the bridesmaid of you, I'm just bigger than you one month and 8 days, and I looks more younger than you :P hehehe..who cares? Zong ji the bridesmaid must be me! xD lalala
I'm waiting you to get your car license, waiting you to fetch me go yum cha, that time we can keng tong xiu again A__A
Lastly, friendship forever!


To Sabrina Ng Mun Yee,

Sab Sab, I know you not really like this name actually but I'm more prefer to call you Sab than Nana, Nana is just sounds weird and feels like not match to you --||
First of all, I want to apologize to you as last time we always talking about your bad things behind and in front of you -.- SORRYYYY. Anyway, you're still our bestie all the time, don't always feels that we dislike you, sometimes we just dislike your attitude actually. To be honest, you're really a good friend for me, every times got any good stuff you also will share it to me, still remember you found a job for me when we're form 4 and also when you go back to thailand, my souvenirs always different from others *touching
You always being so good to me, sometimes when I ask myself, I feels that actually you treat me better than the way I treat you *guilty guilty
Just want to tell you, don't always looks down on yourself, you will get your MR Right one day :D Love is not the biggest part in your life, there's still got family, friends and petss, take good care of your Hadez, call him blacky more suit la, he's so blackk -.- Hahahahaha
And horr, try to control yourself after you get your salary -.- don't always used up all of it within 10 days, OMGGG! Don't wear so much cons, your eyes will become smaller if you wear too much. hmmm...
We're going to Form 6 together soon, glad that I still can be with you after secondary school, although we'll not taking the same subject when Form 6 but at least we still in Ipoh, still can always come out yum cha :DD
Please study hard after this, no more play play, this is your future, you must take it seriously! ;)


To Lee Kah Mun,

You're the eldest among all of us and I already thought you're our dailou actually :D You're the only one I respect among all of us, just don't know why, maybe you always looks so calm and can settle everything. You always take good care of 7 of us patiently, sometimes even myself also feels that we're just so annoy but you seldom angry also, salute =.='' head of prefect and top student really 實至名歸 =.=
Just want to say thank you veryyyy muchhhie to you as you really treat us so good these years, you never complain, never angry with us. Thank you for your homework all the time, muahahahhahaha... without you, I had died on teacher's hand for a long time xDDD
Well, you're going to UTAR Kampar so soon, it's okay actually, so near to IPOH only and you still will come back to Ipoh every week I think, when holiday I also will go to Kampar find you yum cha ger, that
time don't say don't want come out jau dak ger la, you arrr, always like a 宅女 gam, aiyorrr /.\
Remember take good care of yourself when in Kampar ar, and do be careful always, heard of there's many crimes occur :X
zong ji jau siu sum dit la :DD


To Apple Tan Ying Hui,

Although we knew each other not very long time, just two years something only ;P But our friendship is just so strong, baobei 
I admit that I hate you before =3= and I also forget the reason that why I hate you already =.= maybe that time you just not as patient as Kah Mun, maybe we really too naughty and annoy that time =.= but never mind la, it's pass already, I'm so glad that I knew you and has a bestie like you :D You're a very good person actually, smart, well-planner and creative. You always lead us to complete many events. But sometimes you're too talkative, when you're absent, we always said that our class so peace today without you, hahahahahhahaha... TRUE STORY (Y) xDD
Be careful all the time when you're in Kampar, wish that you can find a good job there, study hard arr, I know you can get what you want one, ACCA! easy job for you la! :D
Really so mm seh dak lei :/ you always know what I want and what I'm thinking, sorry that I left you at Kampar and decided to go for Form 6, luckily still got Bowie accompany you, so you will never be alone one, no worry :)))
next time sing k we'll still the champion group as always! and forever! :DDD


To Phoebe Chong Sok Leng,

Hehe, I know we seldom talk and the topic of both of us is only MRC, MRC and MRC =.=
Who ask you always keep your mouth closely and seldom hang out with us! Hnggg
Actually I always feels that's not fair to you all the time, you always the most hard working one among all of us, but just don't know why what you get is always not equal to your effort one. People always say no pain, no gain, but you pain also no gain, why? =.= Have you ever ask about it and feels not fair for yourself? Hmm.. maybe the time just haven't reach, you must still keep your hard work on yaaa!
Still don't know where will you study after this but wish you can get what you want la my dear, be optimistic always :DD
You'll be a good pharmacist in future one! with Gely! xDD
All the best my dear!!


To Choong Shu Qi,

Harlo, our angel :D wish that I could have your attitude, you really such a nice person, never see you angry one =.= *lihaidaoo
Just feels so happy that I can still be with you too after Form5, yea! we can go in the same school together when Form 6 although you take Bio I take Phy, but as long as we still together :DD
You don't always blur blur gam la, easy to get bully by others gar =.=
Never mind la, we can take care to each other in new school one, I will take care of you gerrrr XDDDDDDDDDDDD muahahahahahahaha...
And arr, start from now you really need to think properly what you wanna to be after Form 6 ar, don't say don't know anymore, I also found what is my target already, I know you can find it one day too :))
All the best to both of us! X)


To Bowie Lai Poh Yee,

You arr, hmm... can I don't write for you? ;PP
I always say I hate you one but actually I'm just joking actually, hehehe.. take it easy worr
Sometimes I feels both of us so alike one, what I mean is not our outlook =.= I mean our attitude, easy to get angry also but wan dak yum dak sik dak! xD
Be careful when in Kampar too, account is just suit you actually, so you sure can score well in it, study hard ar, don't just enjoy nightlife there with yinghui :XX hahahaha
hmm..what next?? .... ya, do remember control your voice volume always! Your volume of voice always too high when you too gik dong =.= lang jing dit la, huiyorrr
That's all la, good luck to you la sei bat porrrr xDDD


Eight of us already separate in to half go further study for science and another half of it for art. But no matter science or art, I do believe that eight of us also will have bright future one! And maybe many years later after we graduated, we can meet back again in some way ;)
Wish that our friendship can stay strong and last forever. And wish that everyone of us will success and get what we want one day!
All the best to all my dearest! :D 

1 comment:

  1. thanks dear!i feel that too sometimes but as u say no pain no gain. .maybe my pain is nt enough so my gain is less too. .but anyway i will never give up! !thanks for ur support! !gud luck to u too! may god bless u always! ^_^
