Friday, September 28, 2012


Since Form 2, the only way that I go back home from school is take bus. Sometimes, I'm quite jealous of my friends who got their parents to send them home or hang out. Jealous of they no need wake up early and rush to get up to the bus, jealous of they no need wait bus after school under hot sun and never know how long did you need to wait. Actually I'm use to it already. Bus, the only transport that I go out and in from my home to another places.

Last year, Form 4, I take bus more often since I tuition at town. After school take bus to town and go back home after tuition by bus too. zZZ Still remember the first time I take bus from town after tuition, that time quite blur too, I don't know where is the bus station and just walking around the town there. Then found the bus station finally and success to back home. Hahaha

Today I do the same thing again, this time I take bus to Pengkalan from town after tuition to go to my bro's gf's house. She told me to wait bus at somewhere (she can't mentioned it clearly as she don't know where am I that time), but unfortunately I went wrong place. After 15minutes waiting at the wrong bus station, I ask the aunt who sat beside me where she go. She said she is heading to Jelapang and told me this station didn't have Pengkalan bus. OMG, then she asked me to go to Kamdar there wait. Used not more than 3minutes fly to Kamdar. Wow, luckily a Pengkalan bus is stopped at there that time. Go up the bus, tell the ticket keeper (an aunt) where I go and asked her to inform me when I reach cause I don't know where should I go down. :/ Then she say Pengkalan is quite big and ask me where I want to go, I said: ' I DON'T KNOW. ' She said she also don't know where I want to go down. Hahaha LOL =.=

Don't know what is my expression when I sitting in the bus xD

Make a lot of call to my bro's gf and ask her where should I go down and when should I click the ring.
I finished mt tuition on 5.00pm but I reached her home on  around 6.30pm+ .
Ya, I'm success again! After one and half an hour, finally I reached there! xD
But after I go in her home, within 10minutes, my brother say got to go home already. LOL. I come here with many difficulties and I haven't sit down properly then need to go back already. Hahaha, after listen Wen to practice her piano, then we go back.

Someone asked me that what's the purpose I go there? Actually I also don't know why I so stupid to take a long time and long distance bus to there and there's some risk. Then I said maybe next time I got the experience to take bus to Aeon Station 18, hahahaha.
I really saw Aeon when I sitting in the bus de :P
P/s: Some thing that not about this experience de, I think I got the chance to get back my wallet already. Today my friend told me that the driver help me keep it already, next time when I go up the bus I can get it back. Expect to meet back my lovely wallet soon. :'D

Got school tomorrow, oh gosh! Now is 1.15am, got to sleep, goodnight little bloggie. :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012


September, I thought you are my lucky moon but you didn't bring luck for me. :(
Today after school wait the bus that I lost my wallet there purposely. Finally let me saw that bus but it didn't stop for me. Totally fed up when I saw the bus passed in front of me. When the time I saw the bus don't stop for me, I really got an urge to rush up to the bus. Why you don't stop for me? I never expect that my wallet is still up there but as long as there's still a hope for me. If it's really lost already, why don't you just let me to give up my hope? ...

Another stuff is about my trial results. Again, you give me the thing that I thought I really got it then you take everything back again, urghhh! It will be better if you never give me all this than you take it back after you give me. Life sucks.

After today I don't want to think about it anymore, this will be the last time I complain about all of this. :)
Well, I will be fine soon. Good luck to me :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wallet Lost! T^T

See the title also know I lost my wallet today, arghhhh~~
I think I lost it in the bus that I took when I went to tution. :'(
Sigh, my wallet got lot of important things, IC & MayBank Card* D:
Posted two status on Facebook about this just now:

There are 43 comments in the first status, most of them commented by Sabrina Ng, Hogan Yew and Low Kah Chun. =.=
Sab and Low keep on asking Hogan to buy a new one for me, totally speechless with their comment.
Edward also commented, he asked me to call the bus station, he said at least got the chance to get it back. Arghh! Too hard, I'm not dare to call the bus station
Sigh, what to do? Apple said maybe the ticket keeper (an aunt) saw it and help me keep it leh. Actually still got hope too, cause everyday after school we also took the same bus to tuition, maybe tomorrow I can get up this bus and maybe the aunt recognize me and give it back to me. Hahaha! MAYBE!
This doraemon wallet had being with me for one year, feels very reluctant to lost it T_____T
This is my 16th birthday present from my second brother.
And inside got Shelly's photo T^T
SIGH...maybe the fact want me to have a new wallet and new IC. Hahahaha xD
old photo that I took with it last time :(

Friday, September 21, 2012


Phew, finally I got chance to update my blog, sorry blogger!
Time past so fast, today is 22 September 2012 already. My birthday was ten days ago. LOL
Hmm..I didn't get much birthday present if compare to last year, eee.
SPM trial also finished already. How fast? =.= and I almost get back all my results except Pendidikan Moral.
Hmm..some more? We celebrated mine and Phoebe's birthday together on 15/9 at parade, cause Phoebe's birthday is on 16/9. One Malaysia Day -,-

Still can't catch up what I'm going to write, just share some photo ba :)

I love my eyes. I didn't wear con, but it looks like blinking  :D
Apple Hui!
My besties 
chubby WeiSam, cute Sabrina -,-
wo men shi guan jun shuang ren ju xD
Still got some photo inside Angely's phone, I forgot to get it again, shit! ><
Got chance only update it la. Forgot to take photo with kahmun, shuqi, bowie and phoebe. Cause only three of the most self-loving person from my school come and take with me, hahahahaha.

That's all la, ta!