Friday, September 21, 2012


Phew, finally I got chance to update my blog, sorry blogger!
Time past so fast, today is 22 September 2012 already. My birthday was ten days ago. LOL
Hmm..I didn't get much birthday present if compare to last year, eee.
SPM trial also finished already. How fast? =.= and I almost get back all my results except Pendidikan Moral.
Hmm..some more? We celebrated mine and Phoebe's birthday together on 15/9 at parade, cause Phoebe's birthday is on 16/9. One Malaysia Day -,-

Still can't catch up what I'm going to write, just share some photo ba :)

I love my eyes. I didn't wear con, but it looks like blinking  :D
Apple Hui!
My besties 
chubby WeiSam, cute Sabrina -,-
wo men shi guan jun shuang ren ju xD
Still got some photo inside Angely's phone, I forgot to get it again, shit! ><
Got chance only update it la. Forgot to take photo with kahmun, shuqi, bowie and phoebe. Cause only three of the most self-loving person from my school come and take with me, hahahahaha.

That's all la, ta!

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