Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wallet Lost! T^T

See the title also know I lost my wallet today, arghhhh~~
I think I lost it in the bus that I took when I went to tution. :'(
Sigh, my wallet got lot of important things, IC & MayBank Card* D:
Posted two status on Facebook about this just now:

There are 43 comments in the first status, most of them commented by Sabrina Ng, Hogan Yew and Low Kah Chun. =.=
Sab and Low keep on asking Hogan to buy a new one for me, totally speechless with their comment.
Edward also commented, he asked me to call the bus station, he said at least got the chance to get it back. Arghh! Too hard, I'm not dare to call the bus station
Sigh, what to do? Apple said maybe the ticket keeper (an aunt) saw it and help me keep it leh. Actually still got hope too, cause everyday after school we also took the same bus to tuition, maybe tomorrow I can get up this bus and maybe the aunt recognize me and give it back to me. Hahaha! MAYBE!
This doraemon wallet had being with me for one year, feels very reluctant to lost it T_____T
This is my 16th birthday present from my second brother.
And inside got Shelly's photo T^T
SIGH...maybe the fact want me to have a new wallet and new IC. Hahahaha xD
old photo that I took with it last time :(

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