Thursday, November 8, 2012

SPM-Exam Break

SPM started 4 days ago, so I didn't update my blog few weeks.

with specs :)

SPM first day, BM. Everyone believe in the tips or ramalan, from the tips, it say that the essay part with come out dasar satu murid satu sukan and blablabla. Then the results come out is all tips is not kena, hahaha.. Luckily I never believe in those tips, but actually essay come out what title also not a big matter for me -.- what title I also don't know how to do ger xD For paper two, quite sad for my bina ayat, all wrong, arghhh.. novel part come out time setting, hahaha, so tough! Everyone scold the paper why come out this kind of stupid question. But I wrote the answer something like the time setting is on morning and afternoon, quite surprise that the answer correct, muahahaha

snacks when study :D

Second day, BI. Again, the question of the novel part is something very weird again, they ask about write out one event that make you angry. LOL. How tough? Everyone spot that the novel part mostly will ask about moral values, themes and characters one. But... Feels very lucky that my teacher teach us the whole novel, then at least I can write out something about the title. hehehe

drink water with doraemon cup 8)

Third day, History. Heard others say that the exam paper had been change one day before the exam. Paper one  is so damn difficult, I only correct 28/40. T.T Someone said that it is fail for him already, argh~so hurt
wake up early in the morning to study history :B

Fourth day, Mathematics. Finally we can relax after the world war one, hahaha, it means history paper. Quite relax on this day, no need study at all. Haha..Paper one wrong one question! argh~gik sum, so careless T.T But today is the first time I can tell my mom that A+ ger la, LOL (Cause everyday she will ask me how about the paper and everyday I also say okay la) -.-

After 4 days, we can have a break until 19 Nov, about 11 days. I think I will keep on relax on this 11 days. ishh.. so lazyy XP Hope I can put more effort on it, no more relax actually, study mode must on! >< Bangkitlah! xD

Anyway, wish all the SPM candidates 2012 all the best :D

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