Monday, December 3, 2012

SPM finish!

Unbelievable, SPM really finish! OMG! Hard to believe it, still blur-ing in my own world now, what happened? --
Today is the last paper of SPM, Chinese, so tired, had fight with 10 subjects around one month, finally we're free! 95's rock! Hehe..

Last day I wear my school skirt :/

I saw many people wrote on facebook say they mm seh dak their school. LOL
Not me of cause, don't know why I don't have this feel, Haha..cold-blooded. Many people told me that someday I will got this feeling, maybe? Hmm..
What I mm seh dak is only my friends and my blue skirt, hahaha... but I'm sure we'll meet back each other on one day :D so don't worry, friends ;)

Holiday plan?
Many of my friends work from this month, but I wish to play a month first after SPM, not play actually, should be settle all my things in this month. Not going to say what's that here, wish everything go smooth :)

#I want watch twilight :( no people watch with me..

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