Thursday, December 20, 2012

KL Life

Hi, all my blogger reader, sorry to say that I had been a long time didn't update my blog. This is because of exam, it pass actually :P *apologized sincerely :)

Well, last week I went to KL with my bestie Angely :D
She always invite me to KL to accompany her and every time also not successful at last. Haha..but this time we really did it, yea! We decide to go KL in only one an hour, start from suggestion, planning, asking permission, lastly make decision, we use within one an hour -o- We're crazy, nope, should be I'm crazy, cause she go there and find her sister, but I'm not, I just follow her there and accompany her -o-

We decide it on Monday (10-12-2012), then we buy bus ticket on the next day and straight head to KL, wow~Really can't imagine that why that time I'm so cong dong? Hmm..

First day, we reach KL on 1.00pm something, then her sister come to bus station and pick us to MidValley. Know why we go to midvalley? Because Steven's trip that day on there too :D Hahahaha.. but at last we didn't meet up with Steven also, sai hei =.= Quite regret of going there, nothing can buy at midvalley, everything very expensive, walk at there for almost 9 hours, damn tired until my legs also feels like patah already /.\
Then Angely met up with her boyfriend, ZheLim, OMG, I became light bulb again, I hate that feeling actually..zz..but I'm quite used for it already, haha..Help them took photo every where, became their camera man /o\
Around time to have dinner, I told them I go find other friend (whoever follow steven trip come to KL) to have dinner with them because I really don't want walk with them anymore, give them some freedom, I'm so zho daeng /.\
Leave them finally and walking alone at TheGardens, feels like dying that time cause I cannot find anyone to have dinner with me actually TT Finally Hogan reply me, he ask me find KahChun, ya, wait for a long time, finally he reply me too. Then we had our dinner at The Chicken Rice Shop with choiyan, hogan, kahchun, duncan and some guys that I don't know /.\
After dinner, saw angely's text that she say we should leave now. I straight away go to the front door but unluckily I lost myself TT Finally find the way to there, luckily her sister's husband haven't reach..phew~~
First day end here, went back her sister's house and sleep, damn tired day, homesick seriously D:

Second day, what's a nice date? Hahaha..
Angely sleep until 2pm today after we had our breakfast, then I watched One Piece with her phone :D
Then wait until her sister wake up, she bring us to 1Utama, Angely bought a lot of things, she say this is for CNY de /.\ At first I didn't buy anything also, cause don't know what can I buy. Then we went in Padini Concept Store, lots of promotion there, finally just bought a shirt for my mom for her souvenir..haha
Lazy to type all the details, I'm afraid of this post will be freaking long but no photo..Hahaha

Angely sleeping behind XD

Third day, today her sister and her sister's husband off.
They bring us to Times Square and Sungei Wang Plaza, we bought a lot of things here, I bought shirt for my family members as souvenirs, each people one, bankrupt -o-

yea, girls is crazy, don't ever challenge them =3=
lazyy..skip a day again XP Next!

Last day at KL, my cousin sister come pick me today.
Angely's sister fetch me to find her, say wrong place many times and used up one hour only met her, really felt very mm hou yi shii that time, sorry! ><
Then we had our breakfast at Mcdonald, after that we took bus to Puchong. Ya, forget to say that my cousin come with cui wen too, my brother's gf :D We go Puchong to find BeeChengHiang for our work interview :3 Don't know why so easily we're success! :D Start work on 21th Jan 2013, bye Ipoh :')

KL bus ticket..haha
Then take lrt to bus station terminal, buy bus ticket to Melaka with cuiwen. Go Melaka for work, I'm not go there to play ><

I'm heading to Melaka with my cacat face D:

I know the front part of this post is freaking long and maybe quite bores actually..Hahaha
Thanks for those who willing to read you ;) Appreciate it :)
It's 3.00am+ now, mummy scolding ><
Next post will be my Working Experience in Melaka :D
Nitez :)

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