Friday, July 27, 2012

Unlucky Day

Today is our school prefect retirement day, but non on my business as I'm not a prefect. LOL.
After school, prefect got a meeting until 1pm. Sabrina, Angely, Apple, Bowie and I go to DeSweet (actually its call Demanis, but I don't like the name so I change it =.=) while waiting our head prefect, Kah Mun come out. Congratulation to Kah Mun and also Phoebe, they can wear back blue dress start from next week, good news! :D 

Ya, back to the topic. After Kah Mun came out, six of us separate to two teams. Angely, Sabrina and Kah Mun go to parade as Angely want to buy cons. Then, Apple, Bowie and I decide to go LFS watch Greedy Ghost. I had check the ticket one day before, actually almost every friday I also will check lfs and gsc movie ticket as I don't want stay in Mcdonald 3hours when we waiting for tuition. The bus 1.30pm only come, when we rush to lfs its already 1.43pm ( Greedy Ghost is 1.40pm start). Actually late three minutes is nothing one but the big problem is there is no one watch this movie at that time so they had canceled the movie. Wtf?! The woman who sell ticket said if we could reach there on 1.40pm sharp then still can watch but we late 3 minutes, OMFG =.=Then, what we can do is go back to Mcd again. Apple non stop forcing me to go parade play bowling with her but my new school shoes makes my toes damn pain. I'm not willing to walk to parade anymore. So I asked my brother and his friends(JS) to go with us because JS got car. XD I'm bad. XP
Finally they willing to go with us. Hehe..
We straightly go to bowling when we reached there. After queue up for almost 5 minutes there, they say the whole bowling center had been book on 2.45pm. Hahahahaha

Plan spoiled again =.= But actually I also mm xiong play ger :P
Waste so much time come here but what we can do here is only walk walk =.=
Its quite unbearable for me if I don't buy something when I come parade.LOL
At last, I bought a Rilakkuma with Apple. Mine is blue colour, Apple of cause is red colour ger la xD

So cute! That Rilakkuma bear bear XP :D


Almost one month I didn't update my blog, finally I got the chance to update it T___T
Actually I got a lot of things want to write recently, just because of this month no internet supply so make me can't online and write post :目
Hmm.. I miss a lot of things that I want to write, time flies, I also can't recall back what the event already, BIG SIGH :(
  • Canteen Day
  • Parents' Day
  • Trip to UTP
  • Visit Gunung Lang
  • Apple's Birthday

My memory is poor, I can't remember all these happy moment I ever had if I didn't write it out. :(
Luckily still got photo :D

Apple's Birthday
Seriously, I love this very much ♥
I looks fair and why can't see my pimples? :D

Cheese Cake Cheese cake Pretty Sabrina! :D
The person I always bully, Shu Qi Choong! :D
After tt take bus together go parade ger Kah Mun Jang! :D
My best BSMM partner, Phoebe
Bad light effect -.- Bowie Lai xD

Main Character, Apple Tan Ying Hui! :D
Actually I got took photo with the sau xing mui one, but its on her phone, so I just can curi her birthday photo from Bowie's album =.=

UTP Trip
Awesome Library O.o
Only four of us visit there :)

Ban ye xD

Wow, Wei Sam in UTP :D

With Angely, love this very much :目

Well, there's too much photo, I'm lazy to upload all this. LOL
So, end here first, teehees :D 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Ipoh International Run 2012

Ipoh International Run 2012, this year I'm here again! :D
Almost every year I also will attend this event. This year I didn't date anyone to run/walk with me as I know we will separate in half way. So I decide to run myself. But it's quite bored as there are no anyone can talk with me. Eeeee..
It's okay, I met a lot of people too while I'm running.
Very regret that I didn't eat my breakfast today. Cause I'm unbearable and felt like want to vomit in half way. Almost faint on the road that time. Luckily I met Sabrina before I feeling not well. Feel like want to give up that time as I really don't feel I can continue my journey. Squat beside the road and I knew there's a lot of people watch at me that time. OMG, how sad. =.=
Then after 5minutes I stood up and continue to walk. Feel better after I drink some water.
Then just walk to there only, cannot run already. LOL.
Reached end point on 8.15am. Finally! Phew~ Luckily I didn't faint. XD

Mission completed with Sabrina! :D
Went to eat zap suet then go inside the hall and wait for the lucky draw. No luck at all, we wait until 12.30pm and got 100 prizes but also no call out our number. Too bad! XP

While we're waiting for the lucky draw :D
With Shu Qi :D

My lucky number J-0602 :)

After lucky draw then walk to Sabrina house eat and watch Childs Play 5. My legs injured! By the way, we had a lot of fun today. :)
12.00am ++ now, tomorrow still got to go school. Goodnight everyone. :)

Y164 Gathering

Hmm.. I think this is a celebration party instead of gathering. LOL
Went to Jusco straightly again on Friday after school.
Haha..I still carry on my bag.
First, we go woksifu had our lunch.

Cheese rice with chicken chop :)
Fresh lemon juice :D
After lunch then some of them go watch movie and some go sing k. Break already, what kind of gathering is it? =.= Wei Ping, Coey and I go to sing k as we were not willing to watch movie. Allision go watch Brave, the new disney princess. Then other juniors watch Motorway, really kids. =.= Can't stand on them, I rather sing k than watch movie although this week I already sing twice. LOL. Who cares? Sing k is better than movie very very much. I love to sing although I 'five tone not complete' XD Haha

Around 4pm if not mistaken, juniors join in our room. They so waste, pay money come in listen three of us sing. they like larh, maybe they still small and shy to sing in front of others. Haha. Our k box end at 5.30pm actually but it won't stop although it's already times up. All of them went back home right on 5.30pm and only left my sister and I there. We continue to sing until 7pm something, syok! XD Screaming in the k room cause there was nobody already. Enjoyable time. :D

Aeon Station 18 :)

After 'gathering', we continue our journey to Aeon Station 18 with family. Around 9pm only reach there. No time let us shop already :(  Next time must go there early and shop for whole day! :D Then we buy a lot of sushi and eat at there. That time only I realize I forget to have my breakfast again.-.- Nvm, I don't feel hungry as well, sushi is enough for me. :)

The light inside the toilet is really nice.
Left there around 10.30pm and go back home. Hang for a whole day and I really so damn tired. Straightly fall asleep the time I reached home. LOL.

Ignore my messy hair. Smile always! :D