Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Movie Week!

Hey, I'm back again! Actually I got many things to post in the last few weeks but I'm quite lazy to update it, sorryyy :3
Such a lot of things happened last few weeks, after SPM finish what I do the most is hang out, sleep, eat, sleep, lifeless -- 
Still got something meaningful stuff too actually, like I went for the car course, learning car is fun, I just feels like I'm playing, driving the toy car :3 LOL drive for two hours, hand so tired, why the steering so hard to turn? :@

Well, let's back to the topic.
Last week is the last week of 2012, yea, it was a movie week because I watched 4 movie in this week, first time I watched 4 movies within a week -- but not enough my friend too, nmk, he watch muchhh more than me, everyday go cinema, one day can watch few movies, one movie can watched for few times, crazyyy -- 

First movie, The Golden Couple 金童玉女 

Watch this in Aeon Station 18 with my sister, ar Ping, Hui Ying, my bestie YingHui, Vinx and Hogan and my ar sou also, Cui Wen :D
Comment for this movie: quite nice, sweet movie :3 Jackie hou yengg~
Before the movie, we went Sakae Sushi had our lunch, they dumped me TT Five of them sat on one table and dumped me alone with CuiWen, friend worrr, jimui worrrr :@
But it's okay actually, we talked a lot shifeii cause no one sat beside us, like a bosss 8)

Inside cinema toilet, why the cinema so cold? I was playing around with  the hand dryer  :3

Second movie, Ah Boys to Men 新兵正傳

Watched this in Jusco Kinta City with my primary school friends, YanNing, Cyndy, Bowie, MengKwang, SeowHang and Jeffrey.
This is our gathering actually, so sad that the one who willing to come out for gathering is getting less and less :( Still remember last time got almost 20 people come out for the gathering, now only 7 :( Wish next gathering all also will attend :/

love you guys 

Seriously, I love to hang out with my primary school friends, love to talk shifeii with them, that feeling is just so nice, you can talk whatever you like, kidding with each others. Primary school life is really awesome, friends from there are awesome, no troubles, no hates, if I can go back on time, I wish to go back 2007, standard six :))
After movie, we went kbox, sing k again, hahahha.. sometimes I feels like sing k is quite boring --
Sing until 8pm, we go wongkok degarden yum cha and blow water :D This is the very first time I go out until so late with my friends, then MengKwang fetch all of us back home, first time I got a friend know drive and fetch me everywhere, the feeling is so awesome :D Almost 10pm when I reached home. xD

Third movie, CZ12 十二生肖 

This time I watched this in Jusco too with my family members.
The movie started on 9.45pm, when we back home is almost 12.00am. LOL
Hmm..this movie is quite nice, JackieChan hou geng D: and got WangLeeHom's song inside it, I watch this because of him actually 8) muahahha

Last movie, Upside Down

This time went back to Aeon Station 18 and watch with family too.
Sorry to say that this movie is not nice at all, I admit that the idea is not bad actually, there's two world in this movie, Up Top and Down Below. The boys from Down Below fall in love with the girl from Up Top but they cannot been together because of the gravitational force, then the boy try to invent something to anti the gravitational force. Yea, the idea of the story is really not bad but what I dislike is the plot of the story, veryy...hmm..fuhin? The movie is the end with finally they can live together in Down Below because of the girl is pregnant. LOL.. bad movie I ever watched in cinema.. ishhh..
The only nice thing from this movie is the view, very beautiful..

After the movie we go CuiWen's church countdown for new year 2013 :D
I don't like countdown at there :/ but why 2012 and 2013 I also countdown there? :目
Never mind, since we have no place to go ._. 
As usual, I sent Happy New Year to everyone who's in my contact list, not much people reply me TT
So sad :/ Maybe everyone is busying reply their love one, sigh, who will care on my message? LOL
Is it only I will send out this kind of message? I feels like if I don't send this msg, I think mostly no one will send me Happy New Year or whatever festival, they're not sending, is just replying :(
Anyway, Happy New Year everyone, although you don't reply me but I'm still very excited to send it out to you all! :D

Today is 2-1-2013, school reopen today but non of my business anymore. muahahaha xD
New year, new life, wish everyone are in the pink of health and may all my dreams come true. Amen. 

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