Friday, December 21, 2012

Working Experience in Melaka

Last post I'm talking about KL life and end up with went to Melaka with CuiWen, let's continue here.
Before I start to write what happened in Melaka, I want to whine about that I had been lie to Melaka TT
Ishh..because this job no basic for me ger only get commission -.- wth, when I reach Melaka that time only knew that being cheated :( Why I always been cheated?? DDDD:

That day we reached Melaka on around 8.30pm, and wait our boss come fetch us. He 10.30pm only come, really very pekchek that time :目 Then we go had our dinner.
First night we lived in condominium, quite nice that place, sorry that I didn't take any photo cause I'm very tired in these few days, never rest well when I'm at KL :/
Before we sleep, my boss come in our room and interview me. That time only I knew I didn't have basic D: Seriously, I'm not very care at that time, at least he bao sik bao ju. Then when I work I really did my very best, try all my best and hard sell the products.

Everyone knew that I'm not a talkative person, I don't like to talk and I seldom talk much in front of strangers. But this time I really talk a lot until my lips are peeling just to sell out the products so that I could get my commission :) I sold out 20 products in these two days, get my commission RM100, luckily he extra give me RM50, if not I really so damn pekchek. I swear I don't want take this kind of job anymore, I don't like to be a sales :/ Yup, forget to say that what is my job, I worked in PC Fair :)

Second day, my boss said the condominium very expensive and want to find another hotel. This time I really very angry, don't know it is Melaka too small or what, we find almost 20+ hotel also say full house D: After work so tired la wey, still cannot sleep TT

my status on that day midnight D:
Really so tired, finally we found a hotel got last two room, damn horrible that hotel :X But at least we can take a nap -o-

And I'm waked up by my brother's call in the early morning, he ask me how to take bus from Puchong to KL. Why am I always been waked up by call, by my mom, my friends, now my brother D: Quite blur that time also don't know what I answered him -.-

Then third day night we lived in a hotel named 宋河客棧, so cute the hotel name. And we can see the Melaka River behind the hotel, it's a nice hotel :D

taken by cuiwen :D
I wear the new shirt that I bought from KL because I didn't knew that I will leave my house for so long time and didn't bring enough shirt -.-

The last day in Melaka we don't have to work, our boss told us will bring us go play ger but at last didn't bring us to anywhere also..lie us again..ishhh..
We go eat 雞粒飯 on the last day, what can I say is: The queue is so damn longgggg :O
Really don't know why there's so much people, all this kind of shop at there also queue up very very longggg -o-

actually it's very cute, it is rice but it look like fish balls xDD

take a photo before I leave the hotel :P

Ya, we got go jonker walk too, night it is like Pasar malam actually, Melaka things is quite cheap :DD Lol..I didn't buy anythings there too la :P already bankrupt when I'm at KL..Hahaha

Then we passed by KL and go back to Ipoh finally. Arghhh...I miss my home, my bed, my dog sooo much T^T
After this week only I know how good is hometown :/  Love Ipoh sooo much :DDD
End here..going to listen car tomorrow, have to bed now :) Nitez.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

KL Life

Hi, all my blogger reader, sorry to say that I had been a long time didn't update my blog. This is because of exam, it pass actually :P *apologized sincerely :)

Well, last week I went to KL with my bestie Angely :D
She always invite me to KL to accompany her and every time also not successful at last. Haha..but this time we really did it, yea! We decide to go KL in only one an hour, start from suggestion, planning, asking permission, lastly make decision, we use within one an hour -o- We're crazy, nope, should be I'm crazy, cause she go there and find her sister, but I'm not, I just follow her there and accompany her -o-

We decide it on Monday (10-12-2012), then we buy bus ticket on the next day and straight head to KL, wow~Really can't imagine that why that time I'm so cong dong? Hmm..

First day, we reach KL on 1.00pm something, then her sister come to bus station and pick us to MidValley. Know why we go to midvalley? Because Steven's trip that day on there too :D Hahahaha.. but at last we didn't meet up with Steven also, sai hei =.= Quite regret of going there, nothing can buy at midvalley, everything very expensive, walk at there for almost 9 hours, damn tired until my legs also feels like patah already /.\
Then Angely met up with her boyfriend, ZheLim, OMG, I became light bulb again, I hate that feeling actually..zz..but I'm quite used for it already, haha..Help them took photo every where, became their camera man /o\
Around time to have dinner, I told them I go find other friend (whoever follow steven trip come to KL) to have dinner with them because I really don't want walk with them anymore, give them some freedom, I'm so zho daeng /.\
Leave them finally and walking alone at TheGardens, feels like dying that time cause I cannot find anyone to have dinner with me actually TT Finally Hogan reply me, he ask me find KahChun, ya, wait for a long time, finally he reply me too. Then we had our dinner at The Chicken Rice Shop with choiyan, hogan, kahchun, duncan and some guys that I don't know /.\
After dinner, saw angely's text that she say we should leave now. I straight away go to the front door but unluckily I lost myself TT Finally find the way to there, luckily her sister's husband haven't reach..phew~~
First day end here, went back her sister's house and sleep, damn tired day, homesick seriously D:

Second day, what's a nice date? Hahaha..
Angely sleep until 2pm today after we had our breakfast, then I watched One Piece with her phone :D
Then wait until her sister wake up, she bring us to 1Utama, Angely bought a lot of things, she say this is for CNY de /.\ At first I didn't buy anything also, cause don't know what can I buy. Then we went in Padini Concept Store, lots of promotion there, finally just bought a shirt for my mom for her souvenir..haha
Lazy to type all the details, I'm afraid of this post will be freaking long but no photo..Hahaha

Angely sleeping behind XD

Third day, today her sister and her sister's husband off.
They bring us to Times Square and Sungei Wang Plaza, we bought a lot of things here, I bought shirt for my family members as souvenirs, each people one, bankrupt -o-

yea, girls is crazy, don't ever challenge them =3=
lazyy..skip a day again XP Next!

Last day at KL, my cousin sister come pick me today.
Angely's sister fetch me to find her, say wrong place many times and used up one hour only met her, really felt very mm hou yi shii that time, sorry! ><
Then we had our breakfast at Mcdonald, after that we took bus to Puchong. Ya, forget to say that my cousin come with cui wen too, my brother's gf :D We go Puchong to find BeeChengHiang for our work interview :3 Don't know why so easily we're success! :D Start work on 21th Jan 2013, bye Ipoh :')

KL bus ticket..haha
Then take lrt to bus station terminal, buy bus ticket to Melaka with cuiwen. Go Melaka for work, I'm not go there to play ><

I'm heading to Melaka with my cacat face D:

I know the front part of this post is freaking long and maybe quite bores actually..Hahaha
Thanks for those who willing to read you ;) Appreciate it :)
It's 3.00am+ now, mummy scolding ><
Next post will be my Working Experience in Melaka :D
Nitez :)

Monday, December 3, 2012

SPM finish!

Unbelievable, SPM really finish! OMG! Hard to believe it, still blur-ing in my own world now, what happened? --
Today is the last paper of SPM, Chinese, so tired, had fight with 10 subjects around one month, finally we're free! 95's rock! Hehe..

Last day I wear my school skirt :/

I saw many people wrote on facebook say they mm seh dak their school. LOL
Not me of cause, don't know why I don't have this feel, Haha..cold-blooded. Many people told me that someday I will got this feeling, maybe? Hmm..
What I mm seh dak is only my friends and my blue skirt, hahaha... but I'm sure we'll meet back each other on one day :D so don't worry, friends ;)

Holiday plan?
Many of my friends work from this month, but I wish to play a month first after SPM, not play actually, should be settle all my things in this month. Not going to say what's that here, wish everything go smooth :)

#I want watch twilight :( no people watch with me..

Thursday, November 8, 2012

SPM-Exam Break

SPM started 4 days ago, so I didn't update my blog few weeks.

with specs :)

SPM first day, BM. Everyone believe in the tips or ramalan, from the tips, it say that the essay part with come out dasar satu murid satu sukan and blablabla. Then the results come out is all tips is not kena, hahaha.. Luckily I never believe in those tips, but actually essay come out what title also not a big matter for me -.- what title I also don't know how to do ger xD For paper two, quite sad for my bina ayat, all wrong, arghhh.. novel part come out time setting, hahaha, so tough! Everyone scold the paper why come out this kind of stupid question. But I wrote the answer something like the time setting is on morning and afternoon, quite surprise that the answer correct, muahahaha

snacks when study :D

Second day, BI. Again, the question of the novel part is something very weird again, they ask about write out one event that make you angry. LOL. How tough? Everyone spot that the novel part mostly will ask about moral values, themes and characters one. But... Feels very lucky that my teacher teach us the whole novel, then at least I can write out something about the title. hehehe

drink water with doraemon cup 8)

Third day, History. Heard others say that the exam paper had been change one day before the exam. Paper one  is so damn difficult, I only correct 28/40. T.T Someone said that it is fail for him already, argh~so hurt
wake up early in the morning to study history :B

Fourth day, Mathematics. Finally we can relax after the world war one, hahaha, it means history paper. Quite relax on this day, no need study at all. Haha..Paper one wrong one question! argh~gik sum, so careless T.T But today is the first time I can tell my mom that A+ ger la, LOL (Cause everyday she will ask me how about the paper and everyday I also say okay la) -.-

After 4 days, we can have a break until 19 Nov, about 11 days. I think I will keep on relax on this 11 days. ishh.. so lazyy XP Hope I can put more effort on it, no more relax actually, study mode must on! >< Bangkitlah! xD

Anyway, wish all the SPM candidates 2012 all the best :D

Monday, October 15, 2012

2012 Form 5 Chinese Gathering

Saturday 13-10-2012
Last Saturday our school form 5 chinese student had been gather together at The Artiste, De Garden for lunch. :)
Not much people go actually, include teacher only 15 people -.-
Ya, need to say a very big THANK YOU to Madam Mooi (our chinese teacher) for treated us half of the food, THANK YOU! :D
That day I had tuition until 2.30pm, gathering start on 3.00pm. Quite rush actually, some more I need to take bus to there from town @@
The most pitiful stuff is raining heavily that day, OMG -O- I was trembling in the bus that day ><
Clothes, bag, file and shoes also wet when I reached Jusco -O-
Then I thought I was late and straight forward fly to The Artiste, that time almost 3.30pm. Almost lost again as I don't know where is the place and simply ask one indian worker inside degarden -.- Finally reached The Artiste, but...only 4 person reached, wtf? =.= :目
Mdm Mooi also late, yau mou gao cho =.=
Nvm, its good too, I can comb my hair first, Hahaha

I'm just too bored while waiting the others

Around 3.45pm, all reached finally. Well, start our lunch :DD
My fish fillet, hehe
Seriously, not very delicious only :X The fish fillet is very salty and the spaghetti beside it is tasteless =.=
Then I shred the fillet and combined it with the spaghetti, hohoho how pro I am xDDD
Everyone bring a present to there and exchange to each other by picking number randomly :)
My present, guess what's inside :)
This is what I get from ShuQi, it's nice :D

After lunch, then had a dai hap qiu with them :)

Then Mdm Mooi and Angely went home, we keep on taking photo outside like a boss -.-
Best Friends :)
I asked everyone to make this pose, haha
how cute :D
Haha..very funny xD

taken by Sabrina :)
act cute, expression taught by Sabrina for a long time
now only I know how tough that is to act different expression, erghh ><
first time we take photo together? 
tanyinghui! xD
lazy to post, last photo :)
Really had a lot of fun that day, the biggest gain from gathering is! :D
Tomorrow form 5 no school, now is 1.18am, that's why I haven't sleep, Hehe..sleep soon, nitez :)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Genting Trip

Had a 2 Days 1 Night trip with my bestie, Angely :D
Last week, Angely begged me to go Genting with her as she said that her family all go casino and want me accompany her during the trip. She said I go to “陪太子读书”, then I become "太子侍读” ? =.= Haha
Don't feel like want to go there at first as I don't want to miss my add maths tuition and one day before the trip I'm not feeling very well. ...
Skip it.
First day 6-10-2012
Reached Geting around 2.00pm, put down all things inside hotel first. Then can say that two of us just walk around in First World Hotel (Indoor) there for whole day. Sienz dou sienz sei ngo =.=
Not much thing can write about first day.
same shirt! (doesn't looks like me xD)
took photo around like nobody beside us =.=
big mirror inside toilet :D
I'm still typing msg when she suddenly take photo -.-
Second Day 7-10-2012
Woke up on around 7am, whole night doesn't sleep well actually, there is really too cold ><
After bath and pack all my things, her family ask us go out walk walk again -.-
Really feels like we had been thrown out by them, outside the room is extremely cold! And we had walked around the hotel there don't know how many times already, nothing let us walk and see anymore -.-
Reached front door of Outdoor Theme Park finally, thinking that should we go in or not for a long time, because we said didn't play outdoor before the trip.
but at last we also go in already xD
Big fog! Freeze ><
inside boat :DV
blur face, not enough time to play the bumper boat :(
Dinosaur Land :d

Took a lot of photo, all this from Angely's camera. Lazy to upload mine.
Had a enjoyable trip  :D
1.11am again :OOO!
Always forget the time, got to sleep now, bye! ;)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Hang out: Parade

Skipped school today and went to Parade with Apple and Sabrina.
Since my school got motivational talk today, so we decide to skip it.
I told myself that this will be the last time I hang out before SPM, hmm..but am I really can do it? Let's see, maybe I can't stand for it and hang again after few days or few weeks. Hahaha
Wake up in the early morning and went to Sab's home at 7.00am. Then sleep in her house until 8.30am xD so relax there, her room very warm. xD
Then we go Parade around 10am, too early we reach there. -.- now only I know if you go Parade on the time they just open, there are two worker will stand beside the door and say good morning to you. Haha..quite weird when they said good morning to Sab and me.
We walked around Parade and there only some worker inside and most of the shop also haven't open.
jing ying ying --

Parade's new decoration. so cute :D

Then we sat at food court there wait Apple come.
Took photo with Sab :D
Apple came around 11.00am, we straight away go k box after met her. I think we're the first customer today, insde k box is just damn quiet. --
three of us also eat chicken chop xD
WeiSam and Apple :)

I like the way of there only three people sing k, its very relax, no need grab the mic -.-
Really had a joyful and enjoyable day today :D

Went to tuition after sing k. Normal as usual. Haha

P/s: Going to Genting with Angely tomorrow. Hehe. Gud Nitez :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Mooncake Festival

Happy Mooncake Festival! :D
Time flies, it's Mooncake Festival again, still remember last year Mooncake Festival is on my birthday, haha. The best thing of this is I can reply "Thank you, Happy Mooncake Festival to you!" to all the Facebooker who wished me on my birthday. It's nicer than you just replay thank you. LOL
It's the second year that my grandmom didn't 'bai yue gong' at her house. Before this, we will go there every year to celebrate it and play candle there. Now we just go there had our dinner only.
It's okay, this year we play candle and eat mooncake in our house, last year we go cyber cafe da gei =.= chimagen||
Maybe I'm too free and bored, yesterday when I saw my phone got 100 free messages in afternoon then I type 'Happy Mooncake Festival!' and sent it to almost all the number in my contact. -.-||
There was only 8 people replied me, quite sad ~.~ Haha. Maybe Digi got problem again, cause got three of my friends also said I didn't sent to them but I did. =3=

Doraemon lantern xD
Someone asked me play candle in what ways usually, then I told him that we will burnt all the candle in a tin and put a string inside, then it will become a big candle :DD

Big candle. Can use it when no electric supply xD
Don't know why I don't like to eat normal mooncake, I just love agar mooncake so much. It's nice, just like jelly. Hahaha
Agar mooncake :D
End here.

P/s: I found back my wallet, yea~~ Went to bus station with my dad today and finally get it back after we wait at there 1 hour. Neck also long already xDD