Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Monthly Test

Finally get back all my test results
monthly test supposed be very easy and can get a good results
I know this test I didn't tried my best 
and yet I still go to LeeHom's concert before the test -.-
how crazy am I? But I still don't feel regret..Ahahaha
I always say test jek ma. Nvm la..mid-year sure I can do better than it
And the most important exam is SPM!
So... Test get all red red also nvm la XP XD
  1. BM      -      63 C+  (2 more marks can get a B :( )
  2. BI        -      81 A
  3. BC       -     95 A+
  4. MM     -     100 A+  (finally I get back 100 :D )
  5. SJ        -     40 E   ( WTF..ngam ngam pass.why my history always CDE de? -.- )
  6. Moral   -     45 D  ( others say ppl who get a high marks for moral always no moral de xD )
  7. AM      -     100 A+  ( 2nd time get 100 for AM :D cause too easy -.- )
  8. Bio       -     71 B+  (finally I'm not the worst in our gang T^T )
  9. Phy       -    73 B+  (at first is 75 gar :'(  )
  10. Che      -     68 B  (too bad..supposed to be 85 if I read the question correctly :(  )

Before I felt if I could get 5 or 6 A in SPM, then I'm very proud of myself already
SPM results released last week, I saw many senior get 6A, 7A, 8A, 9A or even 10A.
They're awesome. That is the best SPM results in our school all these year.
And one of them get 10A+ she did it? IF I could get 10A- also feels very happy already, ahaha.
After saw their results, my target for my SPM is >8A  :)

All the best for me! :)

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