Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Holiday again!

Hmm..I'm wonder why this year seems like so many holiday? @@  Ya, I like holiday but too much of it will make me becomes more lazy. Everyday sleep, eat, play facebook. My life is aimless again -.-

What I done in this holiday? Ermm..I rebond my hair again. Really very pekchek with my new fringe :目
Everyone said that it looks cacat, worst comment is like bitten dog, really OMFG! Cut it on Sunday and I really can't stand for it after two days. Cut again in another salon. Aww..I'm really crazy, used up RM40, sorry mom!

27-5-2012 (Sunday)
Cut and rebond hair.
Went OTK sing k with family in 12.30am. Sing until 0200. O.o
Oh yea, I registered OTK member card. Buddies, next time we no need go k box already :D 
With my leng lui biu jie :D
She's going to England next week. Next year only can meet her. :(
(ignore my cacat hair -.-)
Sweet couple. My bro and my dai sou :D
One sing k, one take photo. xD
My sister. Non stop help us click eject. Hahaha

28-5-2012 (Monday)
Wake up in the early morning and help my brother do sales in 斗母宫. I'm not helpful actually, haha. Since there are lack of people, my brother fetch me back home early. Sleep for a whole day after I went back home. -.-

I'm a DIGI GIRL today :D
(My fringe still very cacat that day T^T)

29-5-2012 (Tuesday)
Wake up on 7something and went back school marching. Aww, I'm really very lazy =3=
Although I planned the training time for my members but myself more lazier than them -.-
Ishh..still planning for the formation. Some members absent today, plan to arrange their position failed. Hahaha..wish everything will be alright soon. :)
Went to PM. Went to cut my hair again before that. My sister said looks nicer than the previous one. least not very cacat already. But becomes more shorter T^T

30-5-2012 (Wednesday)
Went back to school again in the early morning but this time not for marching. My chemistry teacher ask us to go back school today to take the chemistry paper. Hahaha, funny? I think I will attend there today more funny -.- And so damn my chemistry results, only 73marks. Ishh..give me two more marks la. I want A- :(
After get back my paper then go Jusco. CheeWeng fetch me there. Planned to watch movie with him and my sister at first. But ShuQi, PohYee, Angely and Apple got go JJ too. Sorry that I abandoned two of you and go sing k with ShuQi and PohYee. Haha xD At first I thought it will be quite bored if I join SQ and PY. Although today PY had cover my sound but don't know why I think it was still lots of fun. Before sure I will get angry if that happened. Special case today, Hahahaha..

Bought sushi at the supermarket and we ate it in food court :D
this is my breakfast and lunch. Hahaha
Today looks. Wear so formal because need to go back school and tt -.-
Kbox until 4.00pm but I come out early because need to rush to town tuition. Today really want to say a BIG THANK YOU to CHEE WENG :D
Fetch me from school to Jusco and some more fetch me to town there from Jusco. OMG, you really so good larh. THANK YOU VERY MUCHHH! :D

This holiday is full of marching training and tuition, zZZ..
 Actually still got a lot of things to write but I think this post a bit longer already. Haha
Will write it next time. End here first. :D

Thursday, May 24, 2012


I'm very tired. Tired of everything. Two more days is holiday, no time for me to rest already. Sports day is just around the corner and I haven't prepare my formation yet. OMG, why this year sports day at SMKSP also need to do formation one? Last year at stadium then it's okay. But this year go back to that stupid SMKSP also need to do formation really make me very pekchek. Erghh, really don't know how to make the formation. SIGH!

I believe that everything will be okay later. After this busy June, I want to focus on my academic, must put more effort on it. Why June got so many events? Sports day and Flag day already make me die 99. :(

Everything will be okay. I can settle all this very well! :D

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's 12.00am!

Now already 12.00am but I'm still eating McFlurry. OMG, I think I'm gonna fat die T^T xD. Haha..I'm wonder why I sleep one day late than one day recently? Hmm..everyday I'm playing facebook, blogger, chatting, etc. My life, becomes so boring and aimless. Haha, thinking some way to get out of this situation. Eat ice-cream at night really not very good, stomachache again. SIGH! Why I'm so weak? T.T Eat what also will pain. God, I had pain for few days already, please. I don't want suffer anymore. :(

I posted a status on facebook just now with only one word: down. Someone asked me why down. Facebooker  cheering me with up up. Thank you very muchhie :D
Someone asked me to do something that can make myself happy like listen music, watch movie.. I think what's can make me happy already. Blogger! Write out what's my feeling now really can make me feel better. I think I can't live without you--my bloggie. :D

Finish my McFlurry and gonna sleep now. Goodnight. :)


I feel extremely confused recently. Something happened that makes me feel don't know what to do or how to do? Maybe I think too much, too much expectation to myself. Trying to pull myself out from this stupid big hole. But I can't. Things are getting worse. I don't want to be like that. I knew I did wrong. Sorry. Maybe you're right, I'm not supposed to be there. I was superfluous. Well, I will disappear from yours life one day. Don't worry. :)

Skip, skip.
That's something make me feel very happy too. :D
Get back some of my mid-year results. Chinese, Physics, Add Maths, Maths and Sivik, get A-, A or A+ for these subject. Actually it's okay for these results. I think I'm gonna die soon for my History, Biology, Malay and Chemistry, haha. Whatever, I'm tired of it, just let's it be. :)

Bye :D

Sunday, May 20, 2012


A normal Sunday that I passed it in my house, this Sunday I didn't go anywhere. Even my mom got cook today, so we can't eat at outside. Usually my mom didn't cook on Sunday and we go out eat with my brother's girlfriend. My mom said: your brother work very hard gar,we cannot always waste him a lot of money. Me: owhh.

Hmm..I always beg him to buy me this buy me that, Haha. He gave me a lot of stuff but I think I didn't have any contribution to this family :/
Skip skip.

Talk with Sab today and feels that her neck really very very hard. She wants to skip school on this wednesday to tt mm and am. I told her why don't her skip school on monday and tt both mm and am on monday because wednesday got koko, if she skip school on that day so waste, her koko marks will lost. But she still want tt on wednesday but wednesday she got to tt physics. Really very pekchek when talking with her. Kah Mun said I'm just wasting my time and energy to talk with her  -.-

This is afternoon case, then at night Sabrina msg me and say she will accept my opinion and go tt on monday. She say she forget that monday also got mm ger, really gik sei ngo -.-
Feels very release when settle her problem :D

Sometimes really don't know what she is thinking, SIGH!
Plan for her already but still can't understand what I'm trying to tell her.
By the way, 11 days more is her birthday, wish she can enjoy her birthday with family in Thailand :) Happy Birthday! Sab!
And don't forget to buy me souvenir, I don't want salted fish! XP

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Haier Notebook


Today is Saturday but I woke up on 7 something, what's a miracle? Unbelievable? Haha..nope. This is because I want to go Yuk Choy to get my Haier Notebook. :D 

Never thought that I could get a notebook from government. When school mentioned that we could apply to get a notebook, I just felt that does it possible? I think it's a joke, hmm...
Then our class monitor passed a paper for us to write down our name who want to apply this. Whole class written down their name. For sure, I wrote my name too :)
This already few weeks ago and I had forgot that I applied it. Until this Wednesday, I didn't went to school and went to Angely's shop to finish my additional mathematics project. I got a call from my mom and she told me that I get the notebook. ShuQi, KahMun, SokLeng and PohYee too. I told Qi and Yee that we got the notebook. Still felt unbelievable on that time. 

Now, I'm playing my new toy already! :D

Exam Finish!

Yea yea yea yea yea~ Exam had finish. How happy are we, we straightly go to parade once exam end, hoho. Last paper is Physics Paper two and three, paper two sure gg already. Haha. I think no more A for my physics -.-. Never mind, don't know why I'm not really care for it already. I even didn't study for it one day before exam. LOL.
Okay, skip it.

Back to yesterday event, yesterday really very very happy. Long time we didn't crazy like that already. Sang like a sor por inside k box really hou jeng :D Haha. Actually maybe we was not singing but screaming at there Haha. Straightly go parade after school dismiss and I forgot that I didn't eat because I don't feel hungry. After sing k we go play bowling. Please forgive my noob bowling skill. Must say a big big Thank You to Sab's friend (Hogan), he play until 88 marks then back home. I continue to play his game and I get 101 marks, Haha. First time I get above 100 marks (lying myself). You won't know that how happy I am. Ya, not play myself but it's still make me very happy xD.

Next time. Next time I will play it my own ;)

Sabrina was taking photo in the class after school dismiss :D

Change clothes go parade :D

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Teachers' Day?

Tomorrow is Teachers' Day. Our physics paper two and paper three had been postponed on this coming Friday. Ermm..good news or bad news? I think it was a bad news at first, cause we planed to sing k on Thursday ( after exam). But I think it is a good news for us now since I know that we should pass up our additional mathematics project on this Friday. WTF, I haven't start yet. Sigh, don't know why we should do this kind of stupid project. It's wasting our time, meaningless. Ya, we decide to ponteng tomorrow and meet together at somewhere to finish it. Hope we can finish it on time. Pity Kah Mun and Sok Leng, prefect is busier than normal student so muchhhh. Even KM is the head girl, want truant also cannot, how sad? Haha..

They say tomorrow 7am gather, but now almost 2am I'm still online-ing. 12am something only I realize that tomorrow need to wake up early. SMS them to reassure that tomorrow still on but no one reply me. Sad case. Very confuse now and don't know tomorrow want to wake up early or not, eeee... If no need then I can continue sleep. X)

Chat with DGZ and realize that SPM is really just around the corner. Seriously, not much time for me to handle all subject already if I still don't want start to study.Yet I still always thinking of a lot of useless and meaningless things. What the purpose of me to think about it? Stop dreaming please! Don't know why I always dreaming and thinking about something that impossible to happen. Haha..maybe I thought I'm too free? 

Wish I really can turn on my study mode right now. No more entertainment after mid-year. Can I?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers' Day

Happy Mothers' Day to all mothers! :D
Actually our family usually didn't celebrate what Mothers' Day or Fathers' Day one. Today we go Scotch Restaurant & Pub for our dinner. My brother used up almost RM200 today. Hoho..just for our meal only. Thank You very much, DaiLou!! :D

Just ignore my ugly face. Seriously, I know this photo is so damn ugly -.- . Actually I want to upload my delicious lamb chop, mushroom soup, and beer root + ice-cream one. But the line of my brother laptop is just suck, so I can only upload my ugly face la xD.

Now is 12.07am, I still blogging. Ergh.. I haven't finish study my history, eee. Know say but don't know take action, sigh. I think I will burn out my midnight oil today. Haha..


Mid Year Term

Finally I'm sitting on my mid-year examination. Nope, is still got four more days my exam will end. Aha, tomorrow History exam. Yet, I haven't prepare for it. -.- Really no that motivation to study, I can't fall into the study mood, damn. History, I failed this subject once when first time I took it, ya, Form 1 first test. Since that time, I feel History is the most difficult subject among all subject. I hate it very very very very much! The most funny thing is I get  A for history during my PMR examination -.- (I never get A before this) Haha. So, I think I could get A in my SPM examination too? Haha..silly.
Four more days to go. All the best WEI SAM!! :D