Sunday, May 20, 2012


A normal Sunday that I passed it in my house, this Sunday I didn't go anywhere. Even my mom got cook today, so we can't eat at outside. Usually my mom didn't cook on Sunday and we go out eat with my brother's girlfriend. My mom said: your brother work very hard gar,we cannot always waste him a lot of money. Me: owhh.

Hmm..I always beg him to buy me this buy me that, Haha. He gave me a lot of stuff but I think I didn't have any contribution to this family :/
Skip skip.

Talk with Sab today and feels that her neck really very very hard. She wants to skip school on this wednesday to tt mm and am. I told her why don't her skip school on monday and tt both mm and am on monday because wednesday got koko, if she skip school on that day so waste, her koko marks will lost. But she still want tt on wednesday but wednesday she got to tt physics. Really very pekchek when talking with her. Kah Mun said I'm just wasting my time and energy to talk with her  -.-

This is afternoon case, then at night Sabrina msg me and say she will accept my opinion and go tt on monday. She say she forget that monday also got mm ger, really gik sei ngo -.-
Feels very release when settle her problem :D

Sometimes really don't know what she is thinking, SIGH!
Plan for her already but still can't understand what I'm trying to tell her.
By the way, 11 days more is her birthday, wish she can enjoy her birthday with family in Thailand :) Happy Birthday! Sab!
And don't forget to buy me souvenir, I don't want salted fish! XP

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