Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers' Day

Happy Mothers' Day to all mothers! :D
Actually our family usually didn't celebrate what Mothers' Day or Fathers' Day one. Today we go Scotch Restaurant & Pub for our dinner. My brother used up almost RM200 today. Hoho..just for our meal only. Thank You very much, DaiLou!! :D

Just ignore my ugly face. Seriously, I know this photo is so damn ugly -.- . Actually I want to upload my delicious lamb chop, mushroom soup, and beer root + ice-cream one. But the line of my brother laptop is just suck, so I can only upload my ugly face la xD.

Now is 12.07am, I still blogging. Ergh.. I haven't finish study my history, eee. Know say but don't know take action, sigh. I think I will burn out my midnight oil today. Haha..


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