Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Last month of 2013

It's december. 2013 almost come to the end.
Finally STPM sem one ended, I thought I will be very excited after all the papers end, hmm... but now I'm not really that excited as what I thought..just feels so normal.
On the last day of the exam, saw something that I'm not really willing to see, I knew it long time ago actually, just I don't want to accept the fact. But then I realize I'm not that sad when I has no choice and got to face it, it doesn't spoiled my day, I just speechless for a short while and then got back my day. Ya, it's meaningless for me already, time cures me and make me know my feeling better :))
Feels good now.

My first day of sem break started with chemistry experiment, wonder why my class so stressed =.= we suppose to do this on next year.
Experiment succeed and now only left the report, goshh.. this really screwed up my sem break. I didn't do much things in the group actually, feels so blur for everything, don't know what's going on =.= guilty and sorry to my groupmates  :/

Just wish that we could settle down the report well. Best wishes to everyone :))

Oh ya, one more thing, last day of november.
Something happened on that day and this was surprised me. So shockedddddd
Just can't calm myself down on that day so I was trying to date anyone come out to accompany me sing k =.= And finally bowie and qi came out, really had a nice day with them and I calmed finally..pheww =.=

Really don't know what am I thinking.. just not that sure, don't want to make wrong decision or maybe I can't make decision by myself? Don't have that courage..
What to do?
Should or shouldn't?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Rest a Short While

Physics paper ended!
PA paper ended!!
Maths T paper ended also!!!
三张paper, 一张比一张难看
第一天考physics个人觉得还好,至少满满的solution (Y)
第二天早上考完PA, 下午考Maths T
感谢我的同班同学们愿意在考完PA后的那四个小时半陪无家可归的我坐在Mcd hae,哈哈哈哈哈哈
只是一堆人坐在一起结果我自己都没有复习到 /____\ aihhsss
后悔都来不及了,maths 考到简直不堪入目,人生第一次空那么多,平时就算不会我也能作几个answer出来的,今天竟然没有那个能力,是不是因为考maths前睡到blur了 TT
blank blank blank 一片空白
唉,搁下这,别说了,准备明年重考就对了 =.=

Mood of the Day


以前一直觉得说会不会有这种事发生,会常常开着一些人的chatbox, 傻傻的一直看着它,看下它会不会有一秒是显示typing...的,看下有没有人曾经有一刻想找我聊天可是又没找成,看下会不会有人和我同一时间想找对方聊天。
好巧好巧,今天也同样的,不断重覆开关chatbox, 就在我决定说话的时候, 其实我已经在type着了,突然看到对方typing..妈的,吓到我一下 =.=
结果我就没有再继续type了,然后对方也没有继续typing...了,就以为自己看错,有些失望,然后在纠结着要不要type的时候,对面又是一阵typing..又没了。Arh chehhhhh...这个时候我只能觉得说应该是电话sot掉了,害我瞎高兴一阵子 =.=
结果自己没有mood了打算off的时候,chatbox多了一封msg, walaooo..真的有些难以置信,就tmd是同一个人 =.=
就这样,原来世界上真的会有那么巧的事,我盼了那么多年,还真的有这种事!哈哈哈哈哈...这就是所谓的心灵相通吗? 哈哈哈哈哈哈..什么东西啊? ;P

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Countdown for STPM Sem 1

妈的,到现在为止我都还没正式开始温习,真的超惭愧 =.=
现在才发现SPM真的是piece of a cake =.=
To all SPM candidates, chill la! SPM only!!!
really need some strength to study =.=

大家一开始都像nerd那样的,就算没有老师也全部自己做自己的功课 =.=
开始喜欢这个班级 :D
虽然我们班男生比女生多出三四倍那样,但其实原来也没什么,大家都好好 :D
之前老师说像我们这种班级的到了form 6差不多结束的时候都不会看到女生的了,因为全部会变得越来越像男生 =.= 很么东西啊

纯粹update下,不想这里搁着太久 ;P Bye!

Friday, October 11, 2013



知道得越多就越难过 唉~




Monday, October 7, 2013




只要一阵子就好 :)


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sweet 18 years old Birthday

Happy Birthday to Myself! ^^ Late post because late celebration. Actually I don't feels like writing this post at first, but since that stupid Apple snake want me to write this so much, aiya..then..I wei yau min wei kei nan write for you la, satisfied? ;P

Well, back to my big day, seriously, I don't feels any joy throughout the whole day on 12 Sept, don't feels like that day was my birthday. Arhh..ya, the only joy I got on that day was from my lovely classmates and my mom. My 6RF classmates, opps.. you all do surprised me a lot, thanks for the celebration, never thought of you all will celebrate for me, as what I said, we seem not that close these days, from the beginning of the semester or even until now, but I strongly believe that this situation will change, all of us will become best friends soon :DD Hahaha..actually who so dare to ask the permission from the teacher to give you all 15 minutes to celebrate it? wow~ and lastly teacher gave us almost 30 minutes I think? Hahaha.. nice experience everrr 

first time celebrate birthday in class, feels good :D

Thanks for the cake, the birthday song and also the surprise! Love you all! ^^
Special highlight to Jeffrey, thanks for your singing minion too! :D my dearest primary school classmate, it's so glad to be your classmate again after 5 years separation :D


And I want to thanks to the planner of the event actually, but I don't really know this was who's idea, I think ZhiYin maybe?
And also thanks to Vinnie for buying that cake :D
And all other classmates, couldn't mention all your name here, hahaha..but you know what I mean one! ^^

And also my mom for the angpau, hehehe..lovely mom~ 


Celebrate Phoebe and my birthday together again this year~ :D
They planned to go kinta river front at first actually, but too bad that it was raining so we change to OIC Cafe, it's okayy actually, the feels there not bad too. As we're along, go where also feeling loved one, I will always be back myself when gather with you girls, do love 7 of you seriously :D

Angely, your spirit always here! you're still my best best friend! no worry! my dear, I miss you badlyyyyy!

We having dinner together as celebration and for sure got the lovely birthday song and cake for me and also Phoebe~

Mok Leng? Hahahaha

Making wish with her together, I'm 4 days bigger than her D:
SokLeng, Happy Birthday to you also arhhh, actually I don't mind to celebrate birthday with you, hahahaha...wish we can celebrate birthday together every year after this :DD share the same cake, same birthday song and also same joy :DD 

my birthday present from them~

This is sooooooo lovely seriously! ♥ So many wishes and our memory inside the book, so touchinggg! Special thanks for ShuQi and also SokLeng for making this, they go find my classmates, their classmates and also the fourbig to write something on this for me. Ouchhh.. why I never realize you all had done so much? I really don't know a thing before this leh ~.~ Stop saying me chi dun pleaseeeeee /___\

Of cause surely must thanks to Apple snake also la, always plan the event very well ;P hahahahaha...
Thanks to those who got wished me from 6RH1 and 2 for the cooperation :D I do know all of you also larh! 
Thanks to all my 6RF classmates! I counted! All also got signed and wished me! ^^ And now I knew the secret that you all said on that day! haha..
Thanks fourbig, LOL! I should only thanks MunHim only seriously, only he did something, another 3 don't know a thing I guess =.= btw, four of you appear in that book ~.~''
And..of cause all my besties, for the celebration, for the surprise and also the present!

Do appreciate what you all had done for me, love ya! 

took a lot of photo with this sorpor ytd night, lazy upload much, love you!

say cheese~~ ^^ birthday really end here this time, wow~ I'm officially 18 years old now! Don't say me dao gei anymoreee! Hahaha

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Frisbee Day

好久没接触大自然了,特地那么早起来跑去DR Park 玩 frisbee, 才睡了仅仅三个小时,真的是严重不够睡咧 @@  话说其实我今天也没有很认真的在玩啦,不够睡的关系,整个人还是blur blur的。
大伙都是第一次玩frisbee, 其实我是真的一点都不会玩咯,都是在乱丢 xD
而且其实我是很怕那个frisbee啦,很怕被它打到 =.=
玩monkey, 我几乎整天都只是站在那儿罢了 xD 根本没人敢过来抢我的,哈哈哈
就算那个frisbee跌在我的面前我都只是慢动作把它捡起来罢了,完全不用担心会有人过来抢 =.= 这就是当女生的好处,呵呵
最后大家都玩到满身大汗,就好像只有我一滴汗都没流过 ~.~
那是当然的咯,我都没有动过 xD

半场休息,全部跑去荡秋千。我的两只手都被那笨秋千的铁链割到伤完了啦 TT

这个scene好久没见过了,上一次来这里玩应该有差不多十年了吧? @@ 好怀念这个地方
荡到一半又下雨了,结果全部跑去吃早餐,在街场找不到吃的地方然后又转场去南区 @@ 晕啊~
然后一大班人就在那儿聊天,我就只有听的份,因为我都不ngam channel 的 /_____\
有时甚至听不懂他们在说什么啦 @@ 又被人讲迟钝了 /______________\
I wonder 我真的那么迟钝吗? 今年一直被很多不同的人讲迟钝,zZZ 闲了咯

今天其实算是蛮爽的一天,整个早上都一直在笑不停,他们实在是太好玩了。认识这班人算是我form 6生涯里最开心的一件事了,哈哈~

啊,对了,今天还多了一对couple yo~ 羡慕死人咩 xD
朋友,你要幸福呀 ;DD

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tired tired

每次起床后,头总是很痛很痛,整个人晕晕的。头痛还算小事,最近发现健康问题好像变得更加严重了。有时会发现眼前会有一些黑色的东西一直闪来闪去,一开始还以为是灰尘,但才发现原来是自己眼睛的问题 @@ 这是近视的预兆还是什么? @@ Haiz..以前眼睛再严重点也只不过是突然眼前一黑半分钟罢了,现在有东西闪过的感觉比黑完来得还要恐怖 ~.~
Ouchhh..really feels like banging my head to the wall everyday TT

stupid tired face ;P

可能是休息不够吧, I need a long rest seriously :/
现在几乎每个星期都有activity的,一大堆meeting啊, event啊, extra class啊, 补习什么的~ 真的好累好累...
不过生活是过得蛮充实的,虽然我是很累,但却蛮喜欢这种生活方式,我是被虐狂吗? =3=

说真的,累的不止是身体,心也开始有些累了。一直跟不上的功课令我开始怀疑当初留在physics 班的选择到底是对是错。就突然觉得自己好像不是很适合这班,觉得全班怎么都好像只有自己跟不上而已,对于最重要的那科,physics, 到现在还是对它一无所知,学校老师教完后听不懂就算了,怎么连补习那儿也听不明白啊? TT 真是快要崩毁了啦 TT____TT
至于其他科目其实也是大同小异,也是有些跟不上,但最严重脱节的就是那可怜的物理了 :((

真的好想找个人谈谈心事,埋怨一下生活压力。但就是找不到那个真正懂我的人,就算和朋友说了也只是会被敷衍带过,那种感觉就是zZZ, 闲了咯 =.= 那倒不如不说还好,至少不用觉得被人敷衍 =.=
每个人都有自己的问题,既然自己的又不是什么大问题,那何必太过在意呢? 有些事过一阵子就会好了 :D

Life must still go on leh~~~ :DD

stupid skin sensitive again, every year also like that, itchyyyy :(

真的希望我能赶快catch up回跟不上的东西啦,虽然嘴上一直这样讲但却没什么实际行动 ~.~
不能再玩玩下了 ~.~
加油! :D

真的好想有个人能看穿我的坚强,看穿我的微笑,其实我也想有人在意有人疼。至少让我觉得我并不是孤单的, 我真的很累很累了......

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


好久好久没update了,昨天和某人谈到blog,就心血来潮上来update一下。最近不知怎么和我聊天的人都是type华语的,一开始还蛮不习惯的,发觉自己真的好少接触华文了,有好多字我都不会spell了 =.= 写过的post也没有多少篇是华文的,应该..ermm..大概两三篇吧~哈哈
还是比较喜欢type英文啦其实,比较快和方便,打华语有时就觉得怪怪的 xD

时间真的过得很快,已经七月尾了,我到现在还是无法适应我的中六生活,还是跟不上老师在教什么。班里一大堆nerd, 真的很恐怖,朋友又不多,有时真的还蛮无助的,有时功课不会做也不懂可以问谁,总觉得大家都好勤力,怎么只有我还是懒懒的,累积下来的功课真的是多到我也不敢去看。目前最烦的还是那个maths的assignment, 没有头绪要怎么做,假期后就要交了,怎么办? TT

这几天都好emo =.= 发觉身边的人多数都是在为爱情伤心,而我就完全相反,怎么我从来都没有为感情这事儿伤过心啊? 从来我都只是在乎于家人,学业和朋友。感情这事就免了,还没有遇到那个可以令我动心的人。有人问我:难道你就不希望被人呵护吗? 说真的,有时一个人还真的蛮孤独的,找不到人去诉苦更是一种痛苦。有人疼当然很好,但也没有特别去强求,可能一直以来都是一个人,一个人也可以活得很好,不是吗?  只是偶尔伤心的时候没人懂而已,一个人有时也蛮累的..哈哈, 自相矛盾 ~.~

我突然好怀念以前form 5时我们一大班一起下课的场景,现在有时我就只有一个人下课而已,一个人吃饭真的好可怜噢 TT 好怀念那年我们班常被老师骂是历年来最烂的第一班,纵然常被老师骂,辅导,我们班还是一样没有什么改变,一样racist =.= 其实我就觉得我们班也不是很racist罢了啦,只是班里分两gang罢了嘛,华人一gang, 马来人和印度人一gang, 哈哈.. 但有时我们还是可以有说有笑的,只是没有坐在一起罢了 /__\  好怀念那时好多老师都不爽我们华人那gang但却总是拿我们没办法,就算和我们谈了我们还是一样,哈哈.. 谁让你的学校那么小,人那么少,top students是酱子的咯

Haiz.怀念总是美好的。最近就是在emo友情这东西,到了这个时候,我才发觉原来自己连一个真正的朋友也没有,那个所谓最好的朋友已经随着年龄的增长而消失了,我已经找不到一个可以诉说的人了。曾经,我都以为我们这一gang人会是我一生中最好的朋友了,就算以后认识了新朋友也没有人能再代替你们的地位了。曾经,当谁和谁吵架时,我是多么地努力去挽回她们的关系。但现在我才发觉到最后被人渐渐遗忘的就是自己,一直就觉得自己是被exclude的那个,原来是真的,不过其实我也懂自己的问题。Maybe people like me just don't deserve a real friend. 所有人都已经改变了,为什么我还在原地踏步? 是我太傻以为这世上真的有永远不会变质的友谊,还是世界其实就是那么残酷? 我真的好恨自己为什么都不改变,大家都变了,我何必继续keep着以前那套想法? 真的好蠢好蠢.. 有时想到大家都渐渐走远了真的感到很心痛,觉得怎么自己就是那么孤独啊,孤独得可怜。太孤僻的性格也令我认识不到新朋友,旧朋友没了,新朋友还没到, so, what can I do? #FML

啊,终于发泄完了,写blog真的可以纾解情绪,太感谢某人的建议了。妈妈说,过去的总会过去的,没有什么好伤心的。也对啦,只要我自己有做好自己的本分就好了啊,别人要怎么待我我也没办法控制,何必难为了自己的心情 :))

No matter what, life still must go on, just smile :)


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Kampar 4D3N

First day 26-5-2013
Follow Apple and Bowie back to Kampar on previous sunday, reached there around 8pm then we straight go to eat?! =.= Sweet Hug House *the shop name. Just for dessert.

my dinner that day TT's a bit looks like haagen-daz that dessert =.= but the price compare to it is extremely cheap! :D only cost RM29.90 if not mistaken /.\ taste not bad too
Nothing much to write about first day, after dessert we went back to  hostel keng gei, chit chat from 9pm until 2am, I wonder how can we got so much topic to talk =.=

Second day 27-5-2013
I woke up early on the first day and follow them to their maths lecture class for two hours, quite interesting day, hahahaha.. as I never go in college lecture class before, felt so much excited to attend their class and no one realize that I'm not their student(tarcian), everyone were busying to listen and jot down what the lecturer teaching and I was playing my phone for that 2 hours xD

excited!! X)))

After class then we go back to hostel again, rest =.=
Then we went to Mcdonald had our brunch, first time I ate Happy Meal =.= kid's meal, cause I saw Apple take this meal, since I never order this before so I followed her :DD Not worth actually, too small =3=
but we get the Hello Kitty toy, hahahaha..gave mine to Apple as I don't know what to do with that toy, I like Doraemon only, Hello Kitty? Errr.....
Then HoganYew joined us but he didn't order anything =.= what for he come? 

get this photo from his insta

He requested to take photo with us before we dismiss, this photo make someone not very syok, hahahahahhahaha..non of my business also :P
After our brunch, three of us (Apple and Bowie only, Hogan Yew back to his class already) syok syok dei then went to K box sing k, lalalala~ 
We separated for a long time still like last time gam, so random, want do what jau do what, want sing k jau sing k =.= such a happy time on that day :DDD



blur blur~
After that back hostel again -__- rest again, Apple slept, such a lazy pig =.=
Then we went for dinner! yea! eat again! I go there just for eat and sleep only /__\
Met our ex-senior there, puiyoke, she 半工读 at kampar, lihai o.O

Third day 28-5-2013
It's a boring day anyway, I didn't meet anyone there and didn't have any nice activity there /___\
no good no good =3=
I slept for whole day in hostel that day, only go out for my lunch and dinner with Apple ><
The only thing that make me felt happy is I had loklok as my supper!! muahahahaha
Three of us go down to eat supper on 1am something X) I ask them to eat loklok with me since the first day I reached there and finally I got the chance to try it out!

ong choy ong choy

We just ate a bit actually, scare fat ya :333

evening view on that day that I took it from hostel

Last day 29-5-2013
Last day here, met Kah Mun in the early morning, she study at Utar and no class for today. We go for brunch together after Apple and Bowie finished their class. Then A&B went back to their class again, Kah Mun and I go search for the printing shop as she want to print out something. Found the shop finally then we went back to hostel rest again =.= I slept for 10minutes only then receive HoganYew's call, I asked him to yumcha since he said he so pity there and no one accompany him to eat =.=
Then we go to Taiphon 台风来了 high tea.

A&B join us after their class finish again =.= they just come for awhile then it's time for us to prepare to go to pasar malam already.

Apple let me to drive his bf's car for awhile that day, but I change back to passenger seat within 10 meters, nope, it's should be 5 meters only =.= reason jau skip it la har ;DD
Then we go to pasar malam, people say that this pasar malam had been cursed so every time also raining one, LOL! It's just so true, it's start to rain after we walk for 10 minutes =.= We simply buy something and walk back to hostel eat. I saw a super big rainbow there before rain, it's pretty nice :D 
On the way we back, many buffalo walk out from somewhere to the field, juts passed by us, they are so huge, Bowie and I kept on taking photo but too bad that it's too dark and we didn't get a nice photo also :(

I scare they bite me so not dare to get too close with them :X

Apple's bf fetch me back to Ipoh on around 9.30pm. Bowie and I go down to eat the ong choy again before I back, both of us also ate two bunches of it, so satisfied X)))

Really had a nice trip there on these few days.

Apple's shirt
Thanks both of them taking care me on these few days, thanks a lot for everything :))
True friendship isn't unseparated but it's separated and nothing changed, yea, it's talking about us! :DD

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Form 6

两天前,我正式踏入中六的生涯。第一个星期是orientation week, 说真的,虽然已经过了两天但我还是完全接受不到我真的要去form 6了 :(
如果可以选,我真的不想去中六,直接进foundation, 如果...
不过,算了,事实就是事实,再怎样不喜欢也要接受。之前有听过一句话:如果不喜欢某件事,就尝试改变它,如果改变不了就尝试改变自己的想法好了 :)
不喜欢我的新学校,canteen竟然会比以前那间中学更烂,最令我接受不到的是它的厕所是肮脏到~~~~~~第一天去了一次后就不敢再进去了,水也不敢喝多 =.=
申请了转校,因为新学校我根本没有transport去,巴士到不到那边,校巴也没有去那边,顶 =.=
现在也是每天勉强叫朋友载,但长期下去也不是办法。(自己有车牌又不会驾 =.=)
我们学校只有四个人上中六,好悲的感觉 TT
一个转去art class, 其余两个拿biology, 只有我一个拿physics, 孤军作战 TT 
没办法,我真的不喜欢bio咯,phy始终是我的first choice ;))
补习今天也去找了,好像过回form 5的生活,简直一模一样,哈哈哈
从始以后又要回到school life了,恭喜我 =.=
下个星期一开始上课,希望我可以快点适应回学校的生活,catch up all the things well.
中六生活加油吧!没事能难倒我们的! ;)))))

Friday, April 26, 2013


I'm thinking for a long time that should I write this post or not...
Finally I wrote, Haha
I has a lot of friends, really, seriously, but most of them is just hi-bye friends, we knew each other but seldom talk or..hmm..never talk?
What I want to write in this post is not about those hi-bye friends.
I'm going to write something to my secondary school's 'best friend'? Hmm..don't know, cause I'm not very sure what am I in the gang, feels that they're all in their own small gang that I'm really the excluded one --
Before SPM start, we said all of us must write a letter to everyone as a commemorate, but at last everyone is busy for their SPM, study, study and study. No one remember it maybe? I remembered, always, but no time to write it, sorry..hahaha
So..I'm going to write this letter as a post in my blogger ;)


To Angely Wong See Yan,

She is my best friend among all my friends. We know each other for about 10 years, it's such a long time, we did many things together, we ever study together, laugh together, sleep together, travel together, cut hair together, tuition together... no one will know what we had gone through.
To be honest, when we were standard six, we're not best friend, just normal friend. After we go in secondary school only we become best friend, and now she's my 5 years best friend :D
Sometimes we may argue because of some small stuffs, we had argued for uncountable times, but yet it may not affect our friendship.
We talked about future, like we planned go into the same school or same college after Form 5, go gap zai together, kau zai together..Hahaha..But now all of this I may do it myself since she got boyfriend already --
You're the only one I willing to share all my secrets to you, hmm..last time maybe? but don't know since when, I feels like our friendship is getting strange, I start to hide things from you as you never ask me about all these, or maybe we seldom chat already?
Eeee...but what I want to tell you is go ahead with what you wanna do, maybe we'll not in the same school or college in future, we'll know many other new friends, I just wish that our friendship can stay strong, I want to become your bridesmaid when you marry :D I don't care whether people say the one who elder than you cannot be the bridesmaid of you, I'm just bigger than you one month and 8 days, and I looks more younger than you :P hehehe..who cares? Zong ji the bridesmaid must be me! xD lalala
I'm waiting you to get your car license, waiting you to fetch me go yum cha, that time we can keng tong xiu again A__A
Lastly, friendship forever!


To Sabrina Ng Mun Yee,

Sab Sab, I know you not really like this name actually but I'm more prefer to call you Sab than Nana, Nana is just sounds weird and feels like not match to you --||
First of all, I want to apologize to you as last time we always talking about your bad things behind and in front of you -.- SORRYYYY. Anyway, you're still our bestie all the time, don't always feels that we dislike you, sometimes we just dislike your attitude actually. To be honest, you're really a good friend for me, every times got any good stuff you also will share it to me, still remember you found a job for me when we're form 4 and also when you go back to thailand, my souvenirs always different from others *touching
You always being so good to me, sometimes when I ask myself, I feels that actually you treat me better than the way I treat you *guilty guilty
Just want to tell you, don't always looks down on yourself, you will get your MR Right one day :D Love is not the biggest part in your life, there's still got family, friends and petss, take good care of your Hadez, call him blacky more suit la, he's so blackk -.- Hahahahaha
And horr, try to control yourself after you get your salary -.- don't always used up all of it within 10 days, OMGGG! Don't wear so much cons, your eyes will become smaller if you wear too much. hmmm...
We're going to Form 6 together soon, glad that I still can be with you after secondary school, although we'll not taking the same subject when Form 6 but at least we still in Ipoh, still can always come out yum cha :DD
Please study hard after this, no more play play, this is your future, you must take it seriously! ;)


To Lee Kah Mun,

You're the eldest among all of us and I already thought you're our dailou actually :D You're the only one I respect among all of us, just don't know why, maybe you always looks so calm and can settle everything. You always take good care of 7 of us patiently, sometimes even myself also feels that we're just so annoy but you seldom angry also, salute =.='' head of prefect and top student really 實至名歸 =.=
Just want to say thank you veryyyy muchhhie to you as you really treat us so good these years, you never complain, never angry with us. Thank you for your homework all the time, muahahahhahaha... without you, I had died on teacher's hand for a long time xDDD
Well, you're going to UTAR Kampar so soon, it's okay actually, so near to IPOH only and you still will come back to Ipoh every week I think, when holiday I also will go to Kampar find you yum cha ger, that
time don't say don't want come out jau dak ger la, you arrr, always like a 宅女 gam, aiyorrr /.\
Remember take good care of yourself when in Kampar ar, and do be careful always, heard of there's many crimes occur :X
zong ji jau siu sum dit la :DD


To Apple Tan Ying Hui,

Although we knew each other not very long time, just two years something only ;P But our friendship is just so strong, baobei 
I admit that I hate you before =3= and I also forget the reason that why I hate you already =.= maybe that time you just not as patient as Kah Mun, maybe we really too naughty and annoy that time =.= but never mind la, it's pass already, I'm so glad that I knew you and has a bestie like you :D You're a very good person actually, smart, well-planner and creative. You always lead us to complete many events. But sometimes you're too talkative, when you're absent, we always said that our class so peace today without you, hahahahahhahaha... TRUE STORY (Y) xDD
Be careful all the time when you're in Kampar, wish that you can find a good job there, study hard arr, I know you can get what you want one, ACCA! easy job for you la! :D
Really so mm seh dak lei :/ you always know what I want and what I'm thinking, sorry that I left you at Kampar and decided to go for Form 6, luckily still got Bowie accompany you, so you will never be alone one, no worry :)))
next time sing k we'll still the champion group as always! and forever! :DDD


To Phoebe Chong Sok Leng,

Hehe, I know we seldom talk and the topic of both of us is only MRC, MRC and MRC =.=
Who ask you always keep your mouth closely and seldom hang out with us! Hnggg
Actually I always feels that's not fair to you all the time, you always the most hard working one among all of us, but just don't know why what you get is always not equal to your effort one. People always say no pain, no gain, but you pain also no gain, why? =.= Have you ever ask about it and feels not fair for yourself? Hmm.. maybe the time just haven't reach, you must still keep your hard work on yaaa!
Still don't know where will you study after this but wish you can get what you want la my dear, be optimistic always :DD
You'll be a good pharmacist in future one! with Gely! xDD
All the best my dear!!


To Choong Shu Qi,

Harlo, our angel :D wish that I could have your attitude, you really such a nice person, never see you angry one =.= *lihaidaoo
Just feels so happy that I can still be with you too after Form5, yea! we can go in the same school together when Form 6 although you take Bio I take Phy, but as long as we still together :DD
You don't always blur blur gam la, easy to get bully by others gar =.=
Never mind la, we can take care to each other in new school one, I will take care of you gerrrr XDDDDDDDDDDDD muahahahahahahaha...
And arr, start from now you really need to think properly what you wanna to be after Form 6 ar, don't say don't know anymore, I also found what is my target already, I know you can find it one day too :))
All the best to both of us! X)


To Bowie Lai Poh Yee,

You arr, hmm... can I don't write for you? ;PP
I always say I hate you one but actually I'm just joking actually, hehehe.. take it easy worr
Sometimes I feels both of us so alike one, what I mean is not our outlook =.= I mean our attitude, easy to get angry also but wan dak yum dak sik dak! xD
Be careful when in Kampar too, account is just suit you actually, so you sure can score well in it, study hard ar, don't just enjoy nightlife there with yinghui :XX hahahaha
hmm..what next?? .... ya, do remember control your voice volume always! Your volume of voice always too high when you too gik dong =.= lang jing dit la, huiyorrr
That's all la, good luck to you la sei bat porrrr xDDD


Eight of us already separate in to half go further study for science and another half of it for art. But no matter science or art, I do believe that eight of us also will have bright future one! And maybe many years later after we graduated, we can meet back again in some way ;)
Wish that our friendship can stay strong and last forever. And wish that everyone of us will success and get what we want one day!
All the best to all my dearest! :D 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bee Cheng Hiang 美珍香 2013

Harlo, 我也不懂我已经有多久没有update我的blog了,今天蛮得空的就随便来写下好了 =.=''
华语华语,好久没有写/打过华文了,很多很多字都不记得怎样写了 /.\

其实这几个月来我有很多东西想写的,想share一下这几个月的新体验。上一篇文是关于离开怡保去KL工作的,所以现在就先文接那篇,写一下KL Life好了。:)

事隔差不多两个月了,很多事情我也忘记了 /.\
不过我还记得我们一大班人住在Taipan美珍香楼上,但只有我和我表姐在Sunway Pyramid工作。我们每天都要从Taipan搭巴士去Sunway, 其实一开始我是很不爽的,因为要特别早起,又特别迟回 :/ 不过事后知道Sunway没有Taipan那么忙后,也觉得蛮欣慰的 X) 而且Supervisor没有在Sunway那边,没有那么大压力 :D

girls' dorm 

我只能说女生房虽然只有几个人住,但是里面真的乱到不行 =.=''
而女生只有四五个住在里面 (不关我事的,我的位子其实很整齐的 xDD)

这次离家工作真的是一个不错的体验,虽然日子不长,只是二十多天。这些日子里要自己洗衣,自己照顾自己,虽然在第一个星期病到五颜六色,但最终还是熬过来了 :)
那时发烧又退烧,然后再发烧还是要撑着去做工,不然薪水会从total RM2200跌到40块一天,所以再怎么辛苦还是要做。幸好supervisor对我们还不赖,我病了那个星期,她让我从sunway调去taipan,等我好了以后再让我自己选要回sunway做还是taipan。说真的,在taipan其实比较开心,那边人比较多,笑声比较多,而且又不用每天走一段路去搭巴士,又不用早起,还可以省回巴士费,sunway那边就比较死气沉沉的,很闷,staff又分两派 /.\ SIGHH
最后我还是回sunway做了,原因是留我表姐一个人在那边实在是太可怜了 /.\

我两边都不舍得 哈哈哈 很贪心  人是有感情的嘛,做久了当然会舍不得啦
还有,在我病的时候,我supervisor说我中了蚊症,又逼我去打针,又逼我吃西瓜 /.\ 她说吃西瓜可以消蚊症的,逼我把整粒吃掉,不准我吃饭,说西瓜就是我的晚餐 OMGG (Errr...其实最后我只吃了三片 xD) 说我中蚊症时真的把我吓死了,幸好没事。啊,对了,不懂做么她叫我“小玲珑” 的,结果里面几乎所有人都是酱子叫我,突然好怀念那名字  哈哈哈哈哈 xDD

回到sunway后,终于我病好了,一切恢复正常,只是当我每天回宿舍的时候,supervisor都会走过来摸一下我的额头问我有没有发烧 /.\ 是每天!她就一直觉得我是病的,晚上又不让我出去喝茶,要我早点睡,但其实我真的是完全康复了啦 /.\  但,管他的,我还是照样跟着我哥他们出去吃碌碌,去喝茶,那是一天里最开心的时候了,当然要去咯。

For Everyone, For Any Occasion

还留着美珍香的name tag, 没什么的,只希望能做个留念 :)

还有DaoKei, 其中两天来载我回宿舍,还带我去Puchong请我吃碌碌,太好人了!

Sunway Pyramid's front door #working look

离别总是悲伤的,希望有机会可以再见到他们  :))))

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Tata Ipoh :)

I'm going to leave Ipoh in 8hours later.
Feels quite excited of leaving this place, first time I leave my hometown for such a long time to work although it's just 20 days --
Time flies, one month ago, I'm still at Puchong for my job interview, that time still felt that there's such a long time for me to stay in Ipoh. Just a blinking of an eyes, I'm gonna to leave here soon.
Very mm seh dak my doggy TT my mom, my bed and all my friends TT 

Don't ask me what happened of my fringe again --
I'm quite regret of it also :/

Many people ask me take good care of myself when I'm at KL. Yea..foong sum la buddies, since I'm so xing mok I won't let people liee or kidnap ger (‵▽′) don't worry :DD
I'll be back on Chinese New Year nian chu yi, wish I'd have a nice working experience there and could know some new friends too. :)))
Bye bye Ipoh, bye bye Lily, bye bye mommy, bye bye all my friendssss :)

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Hang out with Sabrina and Apple today :3
Dating but not with boy one, with my girls :DD
Finally I got the chance to meet Sabrina after SPM ended, deer, I miss you so much TT
Woke up at 10am today, straightly went to Sab's house after grooming myself. Sat beside her and view her how to make up, her make up skill is getting pro (Y) So envy of it, I have no talent in this stuff -3-
Then went to Parade on 12pm, met Apple and went to k box right on 1pm.
Sang until 6pm, crazy us, damn tired -- At first that people said until 4pm only, sang 5 hours! omg, my voice also changed already --

With Sabrina, always hide on my back --

Apple, why your eyes mat dou gam dai O.O

ugly me :(

After sing k, we went to blackball eat desserts.
Eat desserts can reduce stressed :3

I ordered this but I don't know what is this /.\
Hmm..don't know why I feel blackball not very nice only, maybe I'm flu, I feels like that is no taste at all /__\ not nice, tsk tsk


Sigh, tao tao juen juen I changed back to this hairstyle :/
I want to change my hairstyle actually but why every time I also can't keep it longggg? TT After some time sure I will go cut it as I really can't stand for it, omgg. Hate myselfff --
That one sei Hoganyew commented my photo say me looks old, hate him 99 :@ ming ming jau looks younger jor :/ Ishhhh
Then we came back to Parade, Sab say she want eat sushi then we went Sushi King. They work in Japanese Restaurant but still always go eat sushi, mm sienz ger meh? --
Eat until 8pm then accompany Apple walk around in Parade, she say want to buy birthday present to XXX, I gave her quite a lot of suggestions but she reject all :/ And at last she also didn't buy anything --
Sab's dad come fetch us on 9pm, really need to say a big THANK YOU to uncle, so busy still always fetch us back home, thanks a lot :DD

#Really had a nice day with them, sing k is our favourite activity all the time, hehe..
#Do I really looks older after change back to this hairstyle? :/ hmmm...